Perfect 3 Days Linux Course

Video description

This course is designed to help you quickly get started with learning Linux. As you build on your knowledge, you’ll be able to confidently carry out Linux installation and even manage the Linux server by running commands. By spending only a few hours every day for three days, you’ll cover essential Linux concepts including the following:

Day 1 – Installation, configuration, file system and basic commands

Day 2 – Linux system administration

Day 3 – Advanced Linux system administration

What You Will Learn

  • Understand how to install, configure, and manage Linux server
  • Perform basic and advanced Linux system administration
  • Develop the skills you need to write small shell scripts


This course is for anyone who wants to learn Linux quickly, and further develop their IT skills.

About The Author

Imran Afzal: Imran Afzal is a systems engineer/manager, entrepreneur, instructor, and a public speaker. He started his career with Time Warner in 2000 as a systems administrator. He was involved in deploying technologies such as DTV, VOD, CableCards, and others. These technologies were built on many Linux distributions. Since then, he has utilized Linux/Unix skills in many Fortune 500 companies.

He has worn many different hats and currently manages a large team of systems engineers, administrators and team leads globally. He has spearheaded projects such as datacenter migration, introduction, and deployment of VMware, monitoring tools implementation, Amazon cloud migration, and many more. He is certified in Linux Systems Management, UNIX Operating Systems, Linux System Administration, System Internals, VMWare Certified Professional, RHCSA, and Windows Server Certified.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Syllabus Overview
    1. Syllabus Overview
  2. Chapter 2 : Day 1 - Installation, Configuration, File System and Basic Commands
    1. Welcome to Day 1
    2. What is Linux?
    3. Linux Distributions
    4. What is Virtual Box?
    5. Installing Virtual Box
    6. Creating Virtual Machine
    7. Linux CentOS Installation
    8. Install Putty (Client Terminal)
    9. Connect Linux through putty Terminal
    10. Changing User Password
    11. Introduction to File System
    12. File System Structure Description
    13. File System Navigation Commands (cd, ls and pwd)
    14. Absolute and Relative Path
    15. Directory Listing Overview
    16. Creating Files and Directories (touch, cp, echo, vi)
    17. Finding Files and Directories (find, locate)
    18. Wildcards (*, ?, [])
  3. Chapter 3 : Day 2 - Linux System Administration
    1. Welcome to Day 2
    2. Pipe
    3. Files and Directory Permissions
    4. File Ownership Commands
    5. Getting Help (man, whatis)
    6. Adding Text to Files
    7. File System Maintenance (cp, mv, rm)
    8. File Display Commands
    9. Filters / Text Processing Commands (cut, awk, grep, sort, uniq, wc)
    10. Compare Files (diff, cmp)
    11. Compress and un-compress (tar, gzip, gunzip)
    12. vi Editor (File Editor)
    13. User Account Management
    14. Switch Users and Sudo Access
    15. Monitor Users (who, last, w, id)
    16. System Utility Commands (date, uptime, hostname, which, cal, bc etc.)
  4. Chapter 4 : Day 3 - Advance Linux System Administration
    1. Welcome to Day 3 - Advance Linux System Administration
    2. Processes and Jobs (systemctl, ps, top, kill, crontab and at)
    3. System Monitoring Commands (top, df, dmesg, iostat 1, netstat, free etc.)
    4. System Maintenance Commands (shutdown, reboot, halt, init etc.)
    5. Changing System Hostname
    6. Finding System Information (uname, cat /etc/redhat-release, cat /etc/*rel*)
    7. Terminal control keys
    8. What is Kernel?
    9. What is Shell?
    10. Shell Scripting
    11. Basic Shell Scripts
    12. Aliases (alias, unalias)
    13. Shell History (history)
    14. Enabling Internet in Linux VM
    15. Network files and commands (ping, ifconfig, netstat, tcpdump)
    16. NIC Information (ethtool)
    17. System updates and repositories (rpm and yum)
    18. System Upgrade and Patch Management
    19. System Run Levels
    20. File Transfer (ftp, scp, rsync)
    21. Tracing Network Traffic
    22. Message of the Day
    23. Disk Partition (df, fdisk)

Product information

  • Title: Perfect 3 Days Linux Course
  • Author(s): Imran Afzal
  • Release date: May 2019
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781838983055