Chapter 4:  MySQL Performance Boosting with Indexes and Explain

by Claudio Ribeiro

One very simple yet very useful tool is query profiling. Enabling profiling is a simple way to get a more accurate time estimate of running a query. This is a two-step process. First, we have to enable profiling. Then, we call show profiles to actually get the query running time.

Let's imagine we have the following insert in our database (and let's assume User 1 and Gallery 1 are already created):

INSERT INTO `homestead`.`images` (`id`, `gallery_id`, `original_filename`, ➥`filename`, `description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'me.jpg', 'me.jpg', 'A photo of me walking down the street'), (2, 1, 'dog.jpg', 'dog.jpg', 'A photo of my dog on the street'), (3, 1, 'cat.jpg', 'cat.jpg', ...

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