Performance Reviews and Coaching: The Performance Management Collection (5 Books)

Book description

If you’re an executive, manager, or team leader, one of your toughest responsibilities is managing your people’s performance. This digital collection, curated by Harvard Business Review, will help you evaluate employee performance, provide coaching, conduct performance reviews, give effective feedback, and more; it includes Dick Grote’s How to be Good at Performance Appraisals; Harvard Business Essentials’ Performance Management; the HBR Guide to Coaching Employees; and Giving Effective Feedback and Performance Reviews, both from HBR’s 20-Minute Manager Series.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. How to be Good at Performance Appraisals
    1. Title Page
    2. Copyright Page
    3. Table of Contents
    4. Introduction
    5. 1. Why Bother with Performance Appraisal?
    6. 2. Goal Setting
    7. 3. Determining Key Job Responsibilities
    8. 4. Identifying and Using Competencies
    9. 5. Providing Day-to-Day Coaching
    10. 6. Evaluating the Quality of an Individual’s Performance
    11. 7. Using Your Appraisal Form
    12. 8. Preparing for the Appraisal Discussion
    13. 9. Conducting the Appraisal Discussion
    14. 10. Hot-Button Issues
    15. Notes
    16. Index
    17. Acknowledgments
    18. About the Author
  4. Performance Management
    1. Title Page
    2. Copyright Page
    3. Contents
    4. Introduction
    5. 1 Goals
      1. Guides to Action
      2. Goals Begin at the Top—Well, Almost
      3. Goals Versus Activities
      4. Characteristics of Effective Goals
      5. Three Mistakes to Avoid
      6. Get It on Paper
      7. Four Steps to Accomplishing Goals
      8. Summing Up
    6. 2 Motivation
      1. The Not-So-Secret Ingredient of High Performance
      2. Theories of Motivation
      3. What About Rewards?
      4. Practical Tips for Motivating
      5. Summing Up
    7. 3 Monitoring Performance
      1. Looking for What’s Going Wrong and Right
      2. Observe and Gather Data
      3. Move from Observation to Discussion
      4. Be an Active Listener
      5. Ask the Right Questions
      6. Form and Test Your Hypothesis
      7. Summing Up
    8. 4 Closing Gaps and Improving Performance
      1. The Basics of Coaching
      2. Coaching Opportunities
      3. Discussion and Agreement
      4. Active Coaching
      5. Follow-up
      6. Summing Up
    9. 5 Becoming a Better Coach
      1. Beyond the Basics
      2. Conserve Time and Energy
      3. Create the Right Climate
      4. Avoid These Common Mistakes
      5. The Challenge of Team Coaching
      6. Summing Up
    10. 6 Formal Performance Appraisal
      1. Improving Results Through Feedback
      2. What Is It?
      3. Eight Steps to Effective Appraisal
      4. Two Problems to Avoid
      5. Summing Up
    11. 7 Employee Development
      1. Helping People Grow in Their Careers
      2. Begin with the Employee
      3. Develop a Plan
      4. Basic Tactics for Employee Development
      5. Summing Up
    12. 8 Intractable Performance Problems
      1. Face Them Head-On
      2. Diagnose the Problem
      3. Confront Poor Performers
      4. Handling C Performers
      5. Is Burnout the Problem?
      6. When All Else Fails
      7. Summing Up
    13. Epilogue: What Leaders Must Do
    14. Appendix A: Useful Implementation Tools
    15. Appendix B: Handling a Dismissal
    16. Notes
    17. Glossary
    18. For Further Reading
    19. Index
    20. About the Subject Adviser
    21. About the Writer
  5. HBR Guide to Coaching Employees
    1. Title Page
    2. Copyright
    3. What You’ll Learn
    4. Contents
    5. Introduction: Why Coach?
    6. Section 1: Preparing to Coach Your Employees
      1. 1. Shift Your Thinking to Coach Effectively
      2. 2. Set the Stage to Stimulate Growth
      3. 3. Earn Your Employees’ Trust
    7. Section 2: Coaching Your Employees
      1. 4. Holding a Coaching Session
      2. 5. Following Up After a Coaching Session
      3. 6. Giving Feedback That Sticks
      4. 7. Enlist Knowledge Coaches
      5. 8. Coaching Effectively in Less Time
      6. 9. Help People Help Themselves
      7. 10. Avoid Common Coaching Mistakes
    8. Section 3: Customize Your Coaching
      1. 11. Tailor Your Coaching to People’s Learning Styles
      2. 12. Coaching Your Stars, Steadies, and Strugglers
      3. 13. Coaching Your Rookie Managers
      4. 14. Coaching Rising Managers to Emotional Maturity
      5. 15. Coaching Teams
    9. Index
  6. Giving Effective Feedback
    1. Series Page
    2. Title Page
    3. HBR Press Quantity Sales Discountsss
    4. Copyright Page
    5. Preview
    6. Contents
    7. Why Feedback Matters
      1. What makes feedback effective?
      2. Overcome your fear of giving feedback
    8. Choosing When to Give Feedback
      1. Identify the right situations
      2. Time the feedback
    9. Conducting a Feedback Discussion
      1. Plan the interaction
      2. Initiate the exchange
      3. Engage in dialogue
    10. Developing an Action Plan
      1. Specify next steps
      2. Follow up
      3. Assess yourself
    11. Handling Difficult Feedback Situations
      1. Dealing with noncommunicators
      2. Managing potentially volatile encounters
      3. Giving feedback to high performers
      4. Giving corrective feedback to your boss
    12. Creating a Receptive Climate for Feedback
      1. Make feedback a priority
      2. Give positive feedback publicly
      3. Empower everyone
    13. Learn More
    14. Sources
    15. Index
    16. Back Cover
  7. Performance Reviews
    1. Series Page
    2. Title Page
    3. HBR Press Quantity Sales Discounts
    4. Copyright Page
    5. Preview
    6. Contents
    7. The Basics
    8. The Basics
    9. Gathering Information
    10. Gathering Information
    11. Evaluating Performance
    12. Evaluating Performance
    13. Conducting the Meeting
    14. Conducting the Meeting
    15. Establishing Next Steps
    16. Establishing Next Steps
    17. Handling Tough Topics
    18. Handling Tough Topics
    19. Learn More
    20. Sources
    21. Index
    22. Back Cover

Product information

  • Title: Performance Reviews and Coaching: The Performance Management Collection (5 Books)
  • Author(s): Harvard Business Review, Dick Grote
  • Release date: December 2015
  • Publisher(s): Harvard Business Review Press
  • ISBN: 9781633692015