350 Performance Tuning for Content Manager
– Obtain server resource utilization (CPU, network, memory, and disk) with
the baseline.
Use Content Manager performance trace to start tracing the problem.
Review last changes to the system.
Review historic performance parameter changes since production.
If the problem is DB2 performance:
Have you run runstats/rebind lately? If not, it is time to run them and make
sure you perform this task on weekly or monthly basis in future.
Less often than runstats/rebind, consider reorganizing certain tables in the
Library Server and Resource Manager databases to improve performance.
Use reorgchk current statistics to identify tables that might benefit from
reorganization. Perform reorg only on the tables that will benefit from it.
12.2 Content Manager troubleshooting overview
Users might experience slow performance when they log on to a Content
Manager system using the Content Manager client, search a document, import a
new document, migrate the document from one storage device to another, or
manage the system in system administration client. These actions involve the
Library Server, Resource Manager application, Resource Manager processes,
system administration client, and other system components.
Library Server is the key component of Content Manager. It stores, manages, and
provides access to the content stored on a Resource Manager. Library Server
relies on a relational database to perform parametric, text, and combined
parametric-text searches. It is accessed using SQL or a relational database client.
The Library Server log file (ICMSERVER.LOG by default) contains performance
data. If a user experienced slow performance when taking the actions above, the
Content Manager administrator should check the ICMSERVER.LOG file for any
Note: Always keep the following pointers in mind:
Run reorgchk whenever you run runstats to see whether any tables
need to be reorganized.
Running reorg affects performance and the task might take long time.
Always plan ahead as when and what tables to reorg.
Running the reorg task should be performed only by an experienced
database administrator. We
strongly recommend that before you
proceed, you read “Table Management” in IBM DB2 Universal
Database Version 8 Administration Guide Performance, SC09-4821.
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting performance problems 351
performance bottleneck on the Library Server. A Library Server trace is the most
important step in troubleshooting a performance problem.
Resource Manager stores objects for Content Manager. It includes the Resource
Manager database, Resource Manager application, and some Resource
Manager processes. The Resource Manager application runs on a WebSphere
Application Server. Most of the performance issues on the Resource Manager
application can be resolved by tuning the WebSphere Application Server and
Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM). The Resource Manager log file also contains
some performance data.
There are several Resource Manager processes. For example, the migrator, one
of the Resource Manager processes, checks the migration policies in the
Content Manager system and moves objects to the next storage class when the
objects are scheduled to move. The migrator is also responsible for deleting from
the file system the items that have been marked for deletion by users’ explicit
action. The Resource Manager processes are Java-based applications that talk
to the Library Server database and Resource Manager database using JDBC
drivers. The performance issues related to the Resource Manager processes
can be resolved by tuning some SQL statements in these processes, or tuning
TSM (if you are using it).
The system administration client communicates with the Library Server and
Resource Managers. With it, you can perform tasks such as defining the data
model, defining users and their access to the system, and managing storage.
Performance issues that are related to the system administration client can be
resolved by tuning the Library Server database, the SQL involved in the
administration tasks, and other actions.
We discuss performance troubleshooting in the order of the following actions:
Log on to Content Manager client.
Search a document.
Import a new document.
Migrate a document from one storage device to another.
Manage the system using the system administration client.
API programming.
The troubleshooting scenarios that are described in the following sections are
collected from real-life experiences. We include these scenarios to help you
better understand some of the processes you might have to go through to
troubleshoot performance problems in a Content Manager system.
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