352 Performance Tuning for Content Manager
12.3 Slow logon
When users log on to the Windows client, eClient, or their own custom Content
Manager client (using Information Integrator for Content APIs), they might
experience slow performance. For example, in one scenario, users need
approximately 40 seconds to log on to the eClient. Some possible causes are:
Slow DB2 UDB connection between client and server machines.
Slow response from the LDAP server (such as the Microsoft Active
Directory® Server and IBM Tivoli Directory Server) if you enabled Content
Manager with the LDAP server.
Slow response from DNS or network.
A DB2 UDB performance issue.
Slow response from Content Manager’s stored procedure call (such as
ICMLOGON), especially with some bad performance SQL statements.
Before we discuss these possibilities, we briefly explain the logon process.
Figure 12-1 illustrates the logon process. Content Manager clients are based on
the Information Integrator for Content APIs. When a user tries to log on to the
Content Manager client, the client calls the Information Integrator for Content
APIs. The APIs then talk to the DB2 UDB Client, which then calls the stored
procedures (such as ICMLOGON) on the DB2 UDB server. If you integrate
Content Manager with the LDAP servers, the ICMLOGON calls a user exit first to
authenticate the user ID and password with the LDAP server. If the LDAP server
cannot verify this user ID and password, the ICMLOGON stored procedure will
check it by itself. The logon process is also doing other jobs, such as getting item
type information from the Library Server.
Figure 12-1 Logon process
Content Manager Clients
II for Content application
II for Content API
DB2 UDB Client
Client Side
db2fmp process
DB2 UDB Engine
Library Server Stored
procedures and UDF
LDAP Server
Server Side
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting performance problems 353
Content Manager consists of stored procedures and UDFs, so before the
Information Integrator for Content API can call the stored procedures, the API
must connect successfully to the Library Server database.
Whatever the cause, we need to check the ICMSERVER.LOG with level 15,
which can tell us which is used most of the time: the stored procedure call or the
user exit calls (including the LDAP server).
The Library Server performance trace can be controlled from the Content
Manager system administration client. Starting or stopping this trace will begin
The Library Server performance trace can also be started and stopped from the
following script:
db2 connect to ICMNLSDB user icmadmin using <password>
db2 update icmstsyscontrol set tracelevel=15
db2 connect reset
Trace data will go into the file specified in the system administration client (called
ICMSERVER.LOG by default). To turn off the trace, run the following script:
db2 connect to icmnlsdb user icmadmin using <password>
db2 update icmstsyscontrol set tracelevel=0
db2 connect reset
This setting is applicable for all Library Server actions including search and import.
Example 12-1 shows sample output of the Library Server log with trace level 15.
Example 12-1 ICMSERVER.LOG sample content
ICMPLSLG ICMLOGON 01856 05/30 17:39:24.193 GMT ; ... ICMADMIN 1804 msec
ICMPLSMM ICMLISTMIMETYPE 00259 05/30 17:39:24.704 GMT ; ... ICMADMIN 266 msec
ICMPLSGA ICMGETATTRTYPE 00412 05/30 17:39:25.024 GMT ; ... ICMADMIN 240 msec
ICMPLSGT ICMGETITEMTYPE 00919 05/30 17:39:28.489 GMT ; ... ICMADMIN 3404
The second field is the name of the Library Server operation, and you can find
the times spent on the operation in milliseconds in the end of the row. This
information shows whether a performance issue is due to time spent within the
Library Server or some other component of the Content Manager system.
Note: Trace level 8 is for performance, but trace level 15 can give us
information besides performance.

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