Chapter 12. Troubleshooting performance problems 379
the IBM support team to help you find these statements. Try to maintain your
Library Server database first — that might resolve the issue.
12.7.2 Apply fix pack
There are a lot of performance improvements for the system administration client
in the latest fix packs and Content Manager Version 8.3.
In one scenario, the opening properties of a single user took about 30 minutes on
a system with hundreds of users and ACLs. Getting a list of users and a list of
ACLs took about 10 minutes. We upgraded the Content Manager to Version 8.3,
and the performance improved.
12.8 Common rules
There are some common rules to avoid performance issues.
12.8.1 Avoiding the next performance crisis
Actions you might take to avoid the next performance crisis include:
Use a test system to check software configuration and tuning options.
Use a better regression test after loading new versions, features, or bug fixes.
For every change you institute, plan a way to quickly remove the change from
the system.
Use better change-control procedures.
Establish a baseline measurement.
Acquire more training in skills required to run the system.
12.8.2 Using the default trace level
Although you can set the API log’s trace setting higher than ERROR (the default),
doing so can greatly reduce the overall performance because the system is
providing extensive information to the log file. Therefore, when you are not
debugging errors, set the Information Integrator for Content API log (dklog.log)
trace level to ERROR.
Although you can set the Library Server stored procedure log’s trace setting
higher than zero, doing so can also greatly reduce overall performance while the
system is providing extensive information to the log file. Therefore, when you are
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