58 Performance Tuning for Content Manager
J2EE packaging
One of the most significant changes introduced by the J2EE specification is how
application components are packaged for deployment. During a process called
assembly, J2EE components are packaged into modules. Modules are then
packaged into applications. Applications can be deployed on the application
server. Each module and application contains a J2EE deployment descriptor.
The deployment descriptor is an XML file providing instructions for deploying the
2.2.2 Three-tier architecture
WebSphere Application Server provides the application logic layer in a three-tier
architecture, enabling client components to interact with data resources and
legacy applications. Collectively, three-tier architectures (see Figure 2-5 on
page 36) are programming models that enable the distribution of application
functionality across three independent systems, typically:
Client components running on local workstations (tier 1)
Processes running on remote servers (tier 2)
A discrete collection of databases, Resource Managers, and mainframe
applications (tier 3)
Figure 2-9 Typical WebSphere three-tier architecture
Tier 1
Tier 2
Application logic
Tier 3
data / resource
Tier 1
Tier 2
Application logic
Tier 3
data / resource
Chapter 2. Content Manager base products 59
Tier 1 (presentation)
Responsibility for presentation and user interaction resides with the first-tier
components. These client components enable the user to interact with the
second-tier processes in a secure and intuitive manner. WebSphere Application
Server supports several client types.
Clients do not access the third-tier services directly. For example, a client
component provides a form on which a customer orders products. The client
component submits this order to the second-tier processes, which check the
product databases and perform tasks needed for billing and shipping.
Tier 2 (application logic layer)
The second-tier processes are commonly referred to as the application logic
layer. These processes manage the business logic of the application, and are
permitted access to the third-tier services. The application logic layer is where
the bulk of the processing work occurs. Multiple client components are able to
access the second-tier processes simultaneously, so this application logic layer
must manage its own transactions.
Continuing with the previous example, if several customers attempt to place an
order for the same item, of which only one remains, the application logic layer
must determine who has the right to that item, update the database to reflect the
purchase, and inform the other customers that the item is no longer available.
Without an application logic layer, client components access the product
database directly. The database is required to manage its own connections,
typically locking out a record that is being accessed. A lock can occur simply
when an item is placed into a shopping cart, preventing other customers from
even considering it for purchase. Separating the second and third tiers reduces
the load on the third-tier services, can improve overall network performance, and
enables more eloquent connection management.
Tier 3 (data/resource)
The third-tier services are protected from direct access by the client components
by residing within a secure network. Interaction must occur through the
second-tier processes.
Communication among tiers
All three tiers must be able to communicate with each other. Open, standard
protocols, and exposed APIs simplify this communication. Client components
can be written in any programming language, such as Java or C++, and can run
on any operating system, as long as they can speak with the application logic
layer. Likewise, the databases in the third tier can be of any design, as long as
the application layer can query and manipulate them. The key to this architecture
is the application logic layer.

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