"If breathing is respiration, then the inbreatb is the inspiration."

From time to time almost everyone experiences some self-doubt. Under pressure some people think the worst. They think, "I can't," or "There's no way." They operate as if th ere just isn't enough for them; not enough time, opportunity, luck, or love. Truth is, each of us has a per sonal connection to an unlimited supply of energy, power, and good ideas. A simple, effective way to tap your power supply and to inspire yourself is to focus on breathing in energy and thinking of things being possible.

Thoughts can be inspiring. They gam maximum strength and impact in a context that nurtures them. One way to create that context is to focus on drawing in energy with each breath. Each breath is really an opportunity to reaffirm your aliveness and response-ability. You can inspire yourself with each breath you take.

  • The second breathing key is inspiration.

  • Inspiration literally means to take in spirit (or life energy).

  • In this conte xt it means to focus on the inbreath—on breathing in energy.

  • Each one of us is surrounded by a limitless sea of energy.

  • With each breath we can draw on that energy and draw in power.

  • With each breath we can reaffirm our aliveness and direction.

  • With each breath we can inspire ourselves.

Being a goalie in the National Hockey League may be the most high-pressure, intense job in allof pro sport. You are the last line of defense and your mistakes are glaringly obvious. Jacques Plante, ...

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