System V IPC

use the standard module IPC::SysV to access the message- and semaphore-specific operation names.

msgctl id, cmd, args

Calls msgctl. If cmd is IPC_STAT then args must be a scalar variable.

msgget key, flags

Creates a message queue for key. Returns the message queue identifier.

msgrcv id, $var, size, type, flags

Receives a message from queue id into $var.

msgsnd id, msg, flags

Sends msg to queue id.

semctl id, semnum, cmd, arg

Calls semctl. If cmd is IPC_STAT or GETALL then arg must be a scalar variable.

semget key, nsems, size, flags

Creates a set of semaphores for key. Returns the message semaphore identifier.

semop key, . . .

Performs semaphore operations.

shmctl id, cmd, arg

Calls shmctl. If cmd is IPC_STAT then arg must be a scalar variable.

shmget key, size, flags

Creates shared memory. Returns the shared memory segment identifier.

shmread id, $var, pos, size

Reads at most size bytes of the contents of shared memory segment id starting at offset pos into $var.

shmwrite id, string, pos, size

Writes at most size bytes of string into the contents of shared memory segment id at offset pos.


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