Chapter 9
Branding Your Traditional Communication Tools
In This Chapter
Producing a great resume, bio, and cover letter
Crafting effective presentations and articles
Appealing to the public in speeches and on television
You may assume that you communicate pretty well because, after all, you understand what you’re talking about! The truth is that most people don’t communicate well. In face-to-face situations, they don’t really listen to what others are saying, don’t pick up nonverbal cues, and don’t speak clearly and effectively to communicate their own message. And in writing — when voice and appearance are removed from the communication equation — they may struggle even more.
This chapter is full of information about how to master the traditional communication tools that you can use to promote your personal brand. I show you how to maintain consistency and get your point across whether you’re writing a resume or a cover letter, shaping a presentation or an article, or giving a presentation or a TV interview. (When you’re ready to dive in to the details of communicating your brand online, be sure to check out Chapter 10.)
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