Chapter 18
Ten Ways You Can Sink Your Brand
In This Chapter
Ignoring the branding fundamentals
Displaying behavior that tarnishes your brand
Your personal brand is more fragile than you may imagine. You need to be vigilant in maintaining the standards that you’ve set for your brand. All it takes is one major mistake, especially one that you handle poorly, and all that you’ve built will vanish. This chapter offers some cautions and tips so you can avoid a brand breakdown.
Letting It Go Stale: Taking Your Brand for Granted
Your personal brand, no matter how well crafted it is, is never “done.” If you think that developing your personal brand is a one-time event, think again. Your personal brand can easily grow stale. What was once cutting edge can become routine. Staying on top of your brand is a way to set yourself apart from others in your market. If you ignore your brand, you may start looking just like everyone else and become the dreaded commodity.
Neglecting Consistency
Being inconsistent ...
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