Chapter 5
Opening the Toolkit
In This Chapter
Understanding anchors
Working with a circle of excellence
Breaking down problems using logical levels
Getting your head around logical levels
Discovering the value of modelling others
‘I just don’t know what came over me!’ Are these familiar words? Ever had that feeling that your reactions to a situation have been way in excess of what was called for? Your feelings may have overtaken or even overwhelmed you. Perhaps you even say that you weren’t quite yourself.
Everybody has emotional responses all the time: some are great – falling in love, joy and pleasure – others less so – falling out of love, sadness and pain. These experiences and feelings are what make life and work interesting and fun, as well as confusing and unpredictable. Often, in our work, we talk to managers who sigh and say if only their colleagues would leave their emotions at home. And at home, many people would prefer that their partners leave their workplace stresses ...