Chapter 1

Looking Ahead to Your Future


Bullet Taking charge of your long-term plans

Bullet Implementing retirement planning strategies

From a young age, various adults in our lives tell us to plan ahead. Although it may be sunny and clear outside this morning, they tell us to take rain gear for this afternoon’s forecasted heavy rain. When packing for a day at the beach, they suggest sunscreen and money for lunch. And do your best in high school, they say, because your transcript will in part determine which colleges accept you.

Although some parents provide guidance to their children on the topic of long-term financial planning, most don’t because they aren’t sufficiently knowledgeable or are reluctant to explain these things to their kids. And therein lays a pretty significant problem concerning finances for your adult and especially later adult years.

And retirement has its own set of trials. Unexpected life events (such as a loss of a job, the death of a loved one, or a major medical problem) and economic challenges can throw a wrench in the best plans. The severe recession and stock market decline in the late 2000s — both of which were the worst in decades, and then the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic — highlight other potential planning obstacles. Many near retirees and recent retirees ...

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