Chapter 5

Grasping Retirement Accounts and Their Rules


Bullet Reviewing the features of retirement accounts

Bullet Surveying the different types of accounts you can choose from

Bullet Taking care of your retirement account balances

Bullet Naming beneficiaries for your retirement accounts

Bullet Becoming familiar with required minimum distributions (RMDs) from retirement accounts

One of the virtues and drawbacks of living in the United States is that you have plenty of choices — sometimes too many. And that’s certainly the case with the numerous types of retirement accounts and variety of investments; far more options exist here than in just about any other country in the world.

With so many choices you may be confused about which options are best for you. Selecting the best ones is important because you can end up saving yourself more tax dollars and making more after-tax money in the long run. And whether you’re entering retirement or still a decade (or more) away, you should understand the nuances ...

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