Chapter 8

Making Important Housing Decisions


Bullet Seeing the importance of housing decisions in retirement

Bullet Examining the options of staying put or moving in your golden years

Bullet Checking out reverse mortgages

Bullet Understanding tax issues that may affect you

Your housing needs change during your life, but they can really change in your retirement years. Life changes — such as ceasing work, kids growing up and moving out, divorce, death of a spouse, and so on — can have a dramatic impact on your housing wants and requirements and ability to afford housing.

In particular, you face significant housing choices during your golden years. Most retirees grapple with moving, possibly downsizing, and moving into retirement communities that may offer healthcare. This chapter addresses the housing decisions you may make and how the choices you make can potentially affect your finances. Additionally, we cover the key tax issues you need to understand to make the most of your housing decisions. Finally, we discuss an emerging area: reverse mortgages as a way to partly finance your retirement. ...

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