Your 20s and 30s are such an exciting time. During this period you’re experiencing some dramatic changes in your life, exploring new endeavors, making your way in the world, trying new things, and meeting new people, while hopefully staying in touch with old friends and your family.
But as with anything else in life, your young-adult years can pose challenges as well. Some young people suffered layoffs and reduced employment incomes during the 2008 financial crisis and its aftermath and then again with the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Maybe you’ve experienced a failed relationship and a broken heart. You’ve likely had to deal with a difficult boss (or two) or a job (or two) you don’t like — or perhaps you’re in danger of losing your job.
And then there are the money issues. Most of you are out of the nest and out from under your parents’ wings, and your 20s are when you experience firsthand earning your own money and paying your own expenses. This isn’t true for all twenty-somethings, of course, because some young people still live at home or have some financial dependence on their folks — maybe that’s why they bought you this book! No matter your living situation, your young adult years can be a challenging time, but this friendly guide can help make those years smoother and more rewarding financially.
About This Book
Based on my experiences teaching courses, counseling clients, writing articles and books, and corresponding with friends, family, and people through my ...
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