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trigger bottles sketch, 175
upright vacuum sketch, 92
liquid container sketch, 66
living room sketches, 33–35, 40
location sketching
airport sketch, 82
Newport, Rhode Island sketch, 81
Pomham Rocks Lighthouse sketch, 80
Santa Fe Plaza sketch, 78–79
sofa sketch, 83
Warren, Rhode Island sketch, 81
Lopez, Gabriel, 103–104
lunch box sketch
action symbols, 168
backgrounds, 163–165, 172–173
colors, 164, 168
contrast, 166
line saturation adjustments, 162
line tone adjustments, 160–161
line weights, 167
scanning, 159
shadows, 169–170
tones, 171
magnifying glass sketch, 137
athletic shoe sketches, 60, 61, 209
automobile sketch, 104
backhoe sketch, 90
battery-operated saw sketch, 127
cargo plane sketch, 41, 43
chair sketch, 32
coee service sketch, 84–85
dining room sketch, 148
lunch box sketch, 167
package concept sketch, 136
paper and, 27, 50, 60, 65, 71, 83, 103, 104,
120, 136
park proposal sketch, 108
park sketch, 39
point of purchase (POP) display sketch, 183
Providence alley sketch, 95
Providence building sketch, 153
reflections and, 71
RISD Museum sofa sketch, 83
side table sketch, 71, 72
street mall sketch, 47
street sweeper sketch, 154, 156
stroke blending, 60
texture additions with, 61
vending machine sketch, 101
Waterman Building sketch, 86
materials. See also textures.
bathroom faucet sketch, 63–64
boat sketch, 67
brick, 46, 94, 95, 97, 115
chrome, 51, 66, 116
color and, 61
concrete, 38, 46
diminishing intensity of, 74–75
glass, 23, 51, 52, 67, 68–70, 71–73, 89, 90,
115, 123, 152
grass, 38, 39, 80, 115
laminated wood, 204
line weights and, 51–52
liquid container sketch, 66
metal, 63–64, 66, 71–73, 107, 196, 199
opaque, 69
pewter, 65
pitcher and glasses sketch, 68–70
plastic, 52, 92, 93, 185
polished metal, 63–64
rubber, 54, 61, 62, 70, 100, 179
side table sketch, 71–73
sketch descriptions of, 134
sneakers sketch, 74–75
stone, 45, 115
upholstery, 29, 32, 52, 83
veneer layers, 99
wood, 28, 32, 51, 67, 83, 99, 100, 105, 107,
110, 115, 123, 147, 148, 204, 205–206, 207
meeting room sketch, 186
mid-plane contour curves, 58
Montalbano, Jonathan, 36
Morgan, Daniel, 127
Napurano, Joe, 17, 20
narrative sketching
action symbols, 128–130, 133–135
alarm clock sketch, 131
battery-operated saw sketch, 127
car dashboard sketch, 133
clock design sketch, 132
enclosure studies sketch, 135
finger pen sketch, 125–126
Internet hot spot sketch, 134
operational sketch, 127, 128–132
refrigerator sketch, 128–130
sequential views, 124–127
tape dispenser/mud applicator sketch, 124
training shoes sketch, 127
Newport, Rhode Island sketch, 81
observation sketching
coee service sketch, 84–85
Waterman Building sketch, 86
oce sketch, 186
Oh, Hanna, 136, 208–209
oil heater sketch, 157–158
operational sketches
alarm clock sketch, 131
clock design sketch, 132
magnifying glass sketch, 137
refrigerator sketch, 128–130
training shoes sketch, 127
orthographic projections
athletic shoe sketch, 17, 20
cleats sketch, 202
container sketch, 66
forklift sketch, 15–16, 18–19
Illustrator and, 20
vending machine sketch, 101
Ouchterlouy, Elliott, 41–44
package concept sketch, 136
park proposal sketch, 108–111
park sketch, 36–39
Partnership for Providence Parks, 36
Peer, Anthony, 101
pewter teapot sketch, 65
photographs, as guide, 141, 149
Add Noise filter, 190, 198
airbrush, 165, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185
alarm clock sketch, 131
athletic shoe sketches, 208–209, 210–211
background cropping with, 172
Background layer, 163–165
Bevel eect, 203
Bloat tool, 205
Brush Preset panel, 174
Brush tool, 167, 168
Burn tool, 186, 192
chair-bench sketch, 204
cleats sketch, 200–203
Cloud texture, 183
coee machine sketch, 184–185
concept car sketch, 178–182
Dierence mode, 183
Displace tool, 195, 196, 197, 203
Distort tool, 206
Dodge tool, 193
drawing tablets for, 174
dump truck sketch, 144
Emboss eect, 203
exhibit design sketch, 187–194
Filter Gallery, 204
finger pen sketch, 126
Gaussian eect, 190
Gradient tool, 126, 187
hidden selections, 176
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Horizontal Grain filter, 205
house remodel sketch, 122
Hue/Saturation adjustments, 162, 166, 177,
185, 190
importing multiple pattern layers in, 195
Input Levels graph, 161
Lasso tool, 126, 166, 169, 177, 191, 193
Layers panel, 163–164, 169, 175, 188, 189,
191, 192, 193, 195, 197, 198
Levels panel, 160
light eects, 193, 199
line tone adjustments, 160–161
line weights, 167, 175
Line Work in Multiply mode, 188
Liquify filter, 205
lunch box sketch, 159–173
Magic Wand tool, 188
mask creation, 198
Mask tool, 178
meeting room sketch, 186
Mesh, 209
Noise filter, 186
oce sketch, 186
Pencil tool, 174
point of purchase (POP) display sketch, 183
Polygonal Lasso tool, 193
Polygonal tool, 191
Rectangular Marquee tool, 172
retouching freehand sketches in, 159–173
room heater sketch, 195–199
Rounded Rectangle tool, 195
shadows, 169–170, 176, 188, 191–192, 196,
slip casting sketch, 207
texture additions to hand renderings,
trigger bottles sketch, 175–177
vending machine sketch, 101
wooden floors sketch, 205–206
picture planes, 21
pitcher and glasses sketch, 68–70
point of purchase (POP) display sketch, 183
point of view (POV). See station points.
point projection, 21
Pomham Rocks Lighthouse sketch, 80
preliminary ideations. See thumbnails.
Providence alley sketch, 95–97
Providence building sketch, 149–153
automobile sketch, 102, 104, 180, 181
backhoe sketch, 89
bathroom faucet sketch, 64
coee maker sketch, 119
coee service sketch, 84, 85
cube sketch, 51
pewter teapot sketch, 65
pitcher and glasses sketch, 70
point of purchase (POP) display sketch, 183
room heater sketch, 59
side table sketch, 71, 72
street mall sketch, 47
tea kettle sketch, 116
trigger bottles sketch, 175
upright vacuum sketch, 92
refrigerator sketch, 128–130
renderinginteriors.com sketch, 115
repeated objects
linear perspective and, 23
SketchUp Components as, 157
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
alarm clock sketch, 131
athletic shoe sketches, 74–75, 200–203,
208–209, 210–211
automobile sketches, 103–104
chair-bench sketch, 204
Edna Lawrence Nature Lab, 201
liquid container sketch, 66
Museum sofa sketch, 83
packaging concept sketches, 135, 136
point of purchase (POP) display, 183
slip casting sketch, 207
vending machine sketch, 101
Waterman Building sketch, 86
room heater sketches, 59, 157–158, 195–199
Sager, John (Tate), 66
Santa Fe Plaza sketch, 78–79
scale drawing
axonometric view, 12
cone of vision, 21
forklift sketch, 10–16, 18–19
isometric perspective, 12
orthographic projection, 15–16, 17, 18–19
point projection, 21
station points, 21
two-point perspective, 10, 11, 12
three-point perspective, 12, 13–14
school park sketch, 141–142
sequential views
battery-operated saw sketch, 127
finger pen sketch, 125–126
operational sequence sketch, 127
training shoes sketch, 127
athletic shoe sketch, 209, 210
cargo plane sketch, 41
chair sketch, 32
coee maker sketch, 119
Diode Laser Treatment System sketch, 56
shop vacuum sketch, 51
sofa sketch, 28, 29
automobile sketches, 102, 179, 180
backhoe sketch, 89
backpack sketch, 54
chair sketch, 32
coee machine sketch, 184
colors and, 176
cube sketch, 52
dining room sketch, 148
Diode Laser Treatment System sketch, 56
dump truck sketch, 144
exhibit design sketch, 188, 191, 192, 194
finger pen sketch, 126
leg splint sketch, 100
liquid container sketch, 66
lunch box sketch, 167, 169–170
oce sketch, 186
park design sketch, 38, 39
pitcher and glasses sketch, 70
Providence building sketch, 153
RISD Museum sofa sketch, 83
room heater sketch, 196, 198, 199
shapes of, 191–192
side table, 72
slip casting sketch, 207
sneakers sketch, 74–75
sofa sketch, 28
soft edges for, 191
tape dispenser/mud applicator sketch, 124
trigger bottles sketch, 176
upright vacuum sketch, 92
shooting boards
belt sander sketch, 138–139
camera angles, 138–140
colors, 137
definition of, 137
exhibit design sketch, 140
magnifying glass sketch, 137
package concept sketch, 136
storytelling, 136–137
shop vacuum sketch, 49–50
side table sketch, 71–73
angle lenses, 146–147
Charcoal Loose style, 143
Components, 157–158
dining room sketch, 146–148
dump truck sketch, 143–145
environment development, 141–142
Match Photo tool, 149, 154, 155
object development, 141–142
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