Chapter 13

Getting Physical: Putting Body Language to Work

In This Chapter

arrow Reading gestures and postures

arrow Responding to signs and signals

arrow Getting in synch, non-verbally

arrow Reinforcing your message

If you want to persuade other people, begin by paying attention to them. In addition to hearing what the other person says (see Chapter 7) and tapping in to what she really means, notice her posture, gestures and expressions. Do her feet bounce, fingers drum and toes tap while you’re talking with her? Is she leaning back in her chair and staring over your shoulder with a far-away look in her eye as you discuss plans for next week’s event?

remember.eps The three main purposes of body language are to:

check.png replace speech

check.png reinforce speech

display – or betray – a person’s mood

Another purpose of body language is to ...

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