CHAPTER 5 Intelligence Analytics and Cognitive Design—The Human Factor in Pervasive Intelligence

Making data intelligence pervasive isn’t just about analytics and implementing the latest and greatest technology. In fact, if you focus exclusively on technology and expect it to be a savior, your efforts to embed intelligence throughout the organization won’t provide you with the answers you seek. Instead, let your business needs lead the way when you’re developing any analytics program. Fundamentally, any analytics initiative is deployed to solve business issues. If you don’t understand those issues—and the needs of the people who are knee-deep, trying to address them—your efforts to make intelligence pervasive will miss the mark.

Truly pervasive intelligence that pairs technology with its human users to ensure that the technology follows the human lead will drive your analytics success. This intelligence is powered by design thinking and human-centered design methods—by intelligent analytics.

Design thinking and human-centered design methods can help reveal the unique needs and insights that, when solved, provide both financial value-driven by end-user stickiness. An intelligent, connected, and agile organization can research and solve problems creatively using a diverse team, and rapidly iterate to provide end-to-end solutions that meet end-user needs. Instead of technology, business engagement drives the long-term adoption of analytical ecosystems and produces higher information ...

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