High Dose-Rate
Radiation Processing of
Petroleum Feedstock in a
Wide Temperature Range
Practically, all experiments described in earlier chapters, as well as the methods for
oil radiation processing based on these experiments, were conducted at the time-
averaged dose rate of ionizing irradiation, which usually did not exceed a value of
5 kGy/s. Such dose rates are much smaller than the highest dose rates (100 kGy/s
and higher) provided by modern electron accelerators serially produced by industry
for various technological applications. An important role of the dose rate of ionizing
radiation in radiation cracking of petroleum was shown in Chapter 1.
A few works were published on the effect of dose rate on radiolysis of light hydro-
carbons (Nevitt and Wilson 1961, Barker 1968, Burns and Reed 1968, Gabsatarova
and Kabakchi 1969, Massaut et al. 1991). Experiments on cyclohexane irradiation
at heightened dose rates using cyclohexene for hydrogen scavenging or deuterium
labeling gave no evidence for dose rate effects occurring in radiation spurs (Nevitt
and Wilson 1961). It corresponds to the conclusion of the work (Burns et al. 1966)
that a major part of radicals in liquid hydrocarbons recombines out of spurs. A
very pronounced dose rate effect in gamma radiolysis of C
hydrocarbons was
observed in the work (Massaut et al. 1991). However, behavior of the chain reactions
of hydrocarbon cracking at the high dose rates was unstudied till recently.
One of the rst attempts of oil processing with pulse electron irradiation with
a very high dose rate in a single pulse was undertaken in the works (Gaisin et al.
2003, Remnev et al. 2005). A high-current pulse electron accelerator used in these
studies had the following characteristics: electron energy, 350–550 keV; beam cur-
rent, 6.5 kA; pulse length, 60 ns; energy in a pulse, 200 J.
Irradiation of crude oil and n-pentane was carried out in an open container in
a plasma–chemical reactor where volatile components were partially dissolved in
the feedstock processed. The absorbed dose was varied by changes in the number
of pulses applied to the same target. Oil samples were irradiated by ve shots with
a time interval of 5 s between two shots. As a result, a dose of 25 kGy was taken. To
take a dose of 100 kGy, a sample was irradiated with 20 shots, 5 shots in a series with
a 5 min break between two series.
The feedstock was originally kept at room temperature. The beam action was
accompanied by explosive gas evolution, oil heating by 5°C–10°C per pulse, and
increase in the weight of irradiated feedstock by 2.5% during ve successive pulses.
320 Petroleum Radiation Processing
Figure 5.1 shows that radiation processing in this mode leads to increase in the con-
centration of heavy fractions.
Similar effects were observed in the experiments on n-heptane irradiation in
similar conditions. Table 5.1 shows that the concentration of heavy hydrocarbons
in the liquid product of oil radiation processing was higher than that in the original
n-heptane. The maximal total yield of unsaturated compounds at the absorbed dose
of 45 kGy was 7.7 mass%.
The results obtained in the works (Gaisin et al. 2003, Remnev et al. 2005) can be
considered from the positions of the radiation cracking theory set out in Chapter 1.
Considerable gas evolution during irradiation of crude oil and n-heptane, the high
values of radiation-chemical yields of products, and the high yields of unsaturated prod-
ucts testify to radiation-initiated cracking reactions. In these experimental conditions,
the cracking rate can be estimated using Equation 1.61, which can be written in the form
≈ *
where C* is the concentration of radical states responsible for the reaction chain
propagation k
≈ 10
In the state of dynamic equilibrium, concentration of radicals recombining in the
rst-order reactions is determined by Equation 1.38
and the lifetimes of such radicals can be found from
50 100 150
Original oil
Irradiated oil
T, °C
Evaporated fraction, %
FIGURE 5.1 Changes in oil fractional contents after pulse electron irradiation. (Plotted
using the data from Remnev, G.E. et al., A study of the processes of hydrocar-
bon feedstock decomposition under a pulse electron beam, Proceedings of the
2nd International Conference on Non-Traditional Methods for Oil Exploration,
Preparation and Rening, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 11pp, 2005.)
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