10.7. Research Question 2: Does "QCA" Affect the "Elysemine: Elysemate" Ratios (EER)?
This section expands Dr. Capote's planning to consider a test that compares the UCO and QCA arms with respect to a continuous outcome, adjusted for baseline covariates. PROC GLMPOWER is used to perform the calculations.
10.7.1. Rationale Behind the Research Question
Now the team turns to investigating potential adverse effects.
A descriptive analysis being completed in Jamkatnia has compared 34 children with severe malaria with 42 healthy children on some 27 measures related to metabolic functioning, including two amino acids, "elysemine" and "elysemate" (both fictitious). Elysemine is synthesized by the body from elysemate, which is abundant in food grains ...
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