5 Redscale
Warming up your photography
Tracy Packer
The Idea
Get bold, eye-catching reds, oranges, and golds in your photographs without using filters, even on rainy days, Take some color film and put it in your camera the "wrong way" round so that you are exposing the back of the film to the light instead of the front. Most people respond to this idea in one of two ways; with utter disbelief, or with an astonished "Why?" Well, it really can be done. Try it and see the results for yourself.
Urban Conflict
The key to achieving this more subtle effect is overexposure. I shot the daisies 2 stops over and then reshot the fountains, also 2 stops over, There was a lot of light reflecting off that water. The softer tones give it a less bombastic character ...
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