Photoshop 7 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide

Book description

Adobe Photoshop is one of those programs that both dazzles and dismays: You can do extraordinary things with it--as long as you don't get lost in its maze of palettes and toolbars. Luckily for you, with Photoshop 7 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide,, that needn't be a problem! If you're ready to take on image editing in Photoshop 7, this straight-ahead visual reference is the place to start.

Veteran authors Elaine Weinmann and Peter Lourekas are back with a completely revised edition of the guide that's become the standard for Photoshop instruction in classrooms, homes, and offices. Through clear, concise instructions and a multitude of screen shots, this book steps you through the basics of photo editing, manipulation, optimization, and correction. It also provides complete coverage of all that's new in version 7: native Mac OS X support, a new painting engine that facilitates wet and dry brush effects, and more--all in a task-based format that constantly reminds you of where you are in the program and what you're trying to accomplish.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
    1. Dedication
  2. Acknowledgements
  3. The Artists
  4. Color Gallery
  5. 1. The Basics
    1. Using the Toolbox
    2. Toolbox
    3. Options bar
    4. The Photoshop screen: Mac OS X
    5. Key to the Photoshop screen: Mac OS and Windows
    6. The Photoshop screen: Windows
    7. Key to the Photoshop screen: Windows only
    8. The menus
      1. File menu
      2. Edit menu
      3. Image menu
      4. Layer menu
      5. Select menu
      6. Filter menu
      7. View menu
      8. Window menu
      9. Help menu
    9. The palettes
      1. How to use the palettes
        1. To create a custom workspace:
        2. To delete any or all custom workspaces:
      2. Color palette
      3. Swatches palette
      4. Styles palette
      5. Navigator palette
      6. Info palette
      7. Layers palette
      8. Channels palette
      9. Paths palette
      10. History palette
      11. Actions palette
      12. Character palette
      13. Paragraph palette
      14. Tool Presets palette
      15. Brushes palette
    10. Mini-glossary
      1. Current layer and layer transparency
      2. Adjustment layer
      3. Pixels (picture elements)
      4. Vector
      5. History
      6. Selection
      7. Effect
      8. Image size
      9. Brightness/hue/saturation
      10. Optimization
      11. Rollover
    11. Production techniques
  6. 2. Photoshop Color
    1. Color basics
      1. Pixels
      2. RGB vs. CMYK color
      3. Channels
      4. Image modes
      5. The blending modes
    2. Color management
      1. Calibration
        1. To calibrate your monitor (Mac OS):
        2. To calibrate your monitor (Windows):
        3. To choose a predefined color management setting
        4. Choose individual work space settings
        5. To customize your color management policies:
        6. To customize your conversion options:
        7. To change or delete a document’s color profile:
        8. To convert a document’s color profile:
        9. To proof your colors:
  7. 3. Startup
    1. To launch Photoshop (Windows):
    2. To launch Photoshop (Mac OS):
    3. Where images come from
    4. Scanning
    5. Desktop scanning software basics
    6. 16-bits-per-channel mode
    7. To scan into Photoshop:
    8. To calculate the proper resolution for a scan or for an existing image:
    9. Using the status bar
    10. To find out an image’s storage size:
    11. To create a new image:
    12. Opening files
      1. To open an image within Photoshop:
      2. To open the File Browser:
      3. The File Browser panes
      4. To view files in the File Browser:
      5. To open a file or files:
      6. To choose a sorting method for thumbnails:
      7. To create a rank for sorting images:
      8. To rename a file:
      9. To delete a file:
      10. To create a new folder:
      11. To rotate a thumbnail:
      12. To open a Photoshop image from Windows Explorer:
      13. To open a Photoshop image from the Finder (Mac OS):
      14. Thumbnails
      15. To open a Kodak Photo CD file:
      16. To open an EPS, PDF, or Illustrator file as a new image:
      17. Pixel paste
      18. To place an EPS, PDF, or Adobe Illustrator image into an existing Photoshop image:
    13. Saving files
      1. To save a new image:
      2. Saving layers, vectors, and effects
      3. To save an existing image:
      4. To revert to the last-saved version:
      5. To save a new version of an image:
    14. Navigating
      1. To change the zoom level using the Navigator palette:
      2. To change the zoom level using the Zoom tool:
      3. To move an image in its window:
      4. To change the screen display mode:
      5. To display one image in two windows:
      6. To recolor the work canvas:
    15. Ending a work session
      1. To close an image:
      2. To exit/quit Photoshop:
  8. 4. Pixel Basics
    1. Changing dimensions and resolution
      1. To change an image’s pixel dimensions for onscreen output:
      2. To change an image’s dimensions for print output:
      3. To change an image’s resolution:
      4. To resize an image to fit a specific width or height:
      5. To resize an image automatically:
      6. To apply the Unsharp Mask filter:
    2. Changing the canvas
      1. To change the canvas size:
      2. To crop an image using a marquee:
      3. To specify dimensions and resolution as you crop an image:
      4. To enlarge an image’s canvas area using the Crop tool:
      5. To crop an image using the Crop command:
      6. To crop an image using the Trim command:
      7. To flip an image:
      8. To rotate an image by a preset amount:
      9. To rotate an image by specifying a number:
  9. 5. Select
    1. Creating selections
      1. To select an entire layer:
      2. To create a rectangular or elliptical selection:
      3. To create a freeform selection:
      4. To create a polygonal selection:
      5. To select by color (Magic Wand):
      6. To select using the Magnetic Lasso tool:
      7. Magnetic Lasso tool options bar
      8. To select by color (Color Range):
      9. To create a frame selection:
      10. To select a narrow border around a selection:
    2. Working with selections
      1. To deselect a selection:
      2. To reselect the last selection:
      3. To delete a selection:
      4. To move a selection marquee:
      5. To switch the selected and unselected areas:
      6. To hide a selection marquee:
      7. To transform a selection marquee:
      8. To modify a selection marquee via a menu command:
      9. To add to a selection:
      10. To subtract from a selection:
      11. To select the intersection of two selections:
      12. To vignette an image:
      13. To mask a shape using the Extract command:
  10. 6. Compositing
    1. Moving
      1. To move a selection’s contents:
      2. To drag-copy a selection:
      3. To align a layer or layers to a selection marquee:
      4. Clipboard basics
    2. Copying
      1. To copy and paste a selection:
      2. To drag-and-drop a selection between images:
      3. To paste into a selection:
      4. To paste into a smaller image:
    3. Sharpening and blurring
      1. To sharpen or blur edges:
    4. Using rulers and guides
      1. To hide or show rulers:
      2. To change the rulers’ zero origin:
      3. To use the Snap feature:
      4. To hide or show the grid:
      5. To create a guide:
      6. To place a guide at a specified location:
      7. To remove guides:
      8. To use the Measure tool:
    5. Cloning
      1. To clone areas in the same image:
      2. To use the Pattern Stamp tool:
      3. To clone from image to image:
      4. To repair areas using the Healing Brush tool (“boo-boo brush”):
      5. To use the Patch tool:
      6. To feather an existing selection:
      7. To defringe a layer:
      8. To smooth a selection:
  11. 7. Layers
    1. Layers basics
      1. To create a new layer:
      2. To turn a selection into a layer:
      3. To duplicate a layer in the same image:
      4. To hide or show layers:
      5. To flip a layer:
      6. To delete a layer:
      7. To rename a layer:
    2. Transform layers
      1. To transform (scale, rotate, skew, distort, or apply perspective to) a layer by dragging:
      2. To free transform a layer:
      3. To transform a layer by entering numeric values:
    3. Managing layers
      1. To restack a layer:
      2. To convert the Background into a layer:
      3. To convert a layer into the Background:
      4. To move a layer:
      5. To create a layer set:
      6. To lock a layer:
      7. To create a Fill layer:
      8. Tools and layers
      9. Lock transparent pixels
      10. Use all layers
    4. Copy layers
      1. To save a copy of a layer in a new file:
      2. To drag-and-drop a layer to another image (Layers palette):
      3. To drag-and-drop a layer to another image (Move tool):
      4. To copy and paste only the visible part of a layer to another image:
      5. Merge or flatten layers
      6. To merge two layers together:
      7. To merge multiple layers:
      8. To flatten layers:
  12. 8. History
    1. Using the History palette
      1. Linear and non-linear
      2. Clearing the palette
      3. To revert to a prior history state:
      4. To duplicate a state:
      5. To delete a state:
    2. Using snapshots
      1. To create a snapshot of a history state:
      2. To make a snapshot become the latest state:
      3. To delete a snapshot:
      4. To create a new document from a history state or snapshot:
    3. Restoring and erasing
      1. To use the History Brush tool:
      2. To fill a selection or a layer with a history state:
      3. To use the Art History Brush tool:
      4. To erase to history:
  13. 9. Adjustments
    1. Adjustment basics
    2. Adjustment layers
      1. To create an adjustment layer:
      2. To modify an adjustment layer:
      3. To choose blending options for an adjustment layer (or any layer):
      4. To choose a different command for an existing adjustment layer:
      5. To merge an adjustment layer:
      6. Ways to use adjustment layers
    3. Adjustment commands
      1. To adjust an image using Auto Contrast:
      2. To equalize a layer:
      3. To invert lights and darks:
      4. To make a layer high contrast:
      5. To posterize:
      6. To adjust brightness and contrast (Brightness/Contrast):
      7. To adjust brightness and contrast using Levels:
      8. To screen back a layer:
      9. To lighten using the Dodge tool or darken using the Burn tool:
      10. To restrict an adjustment layer’s effect using a mask:
      11. To make a layer grayscale using the Channel Mixer:
  14. 10. Choose Colors
    1. Foreground and Background colors
    2. To choose a color using the Color Picker:
    3. To choose a custom color:
    4. To choose a color using the Color palette:
    5. Swatches palette
      1. To choose a color from the Swatches palette:
      2. To add a color to the Swatches palette:
      3. To rename a swatch:
      4. To delete a color from the Swatches palette:
      5. To save an edited swatches library:
      6. To replace or append a swatches library:
      7. To load a swatches library:
      8. To choose a color from an image using the Eyedropper:
      9. To copy a color as a hexadecimal value:
  15. 11. Recolor
    1. Adjustment basics
      1. To fill a selection or a layer with a color, a pattern, or imagery:
      2. To apply a stroke to a selection or a layer:
      3. To adjust a color image using Hue/Saturation:
      4. To place color samplers on an image:
      5. To move a color sampler:
    2. Using the Info palette with the Color Sampler tool
      1. To remove a color sampler:
      2. To replace colors:
      3. To convert a layer or the Background to grayscale:
      4. To colorize or color correct using Color Balance:
      5. To adjust color using thumbnail Variations:
      6. To saturate or desaturate colors using the Sponge tool:
      7. To heighten color or silhouette color areas on black:
    3. Levels and Curves
      1. To adjust individual color channels using Levels:
      2. To apply auto color correction options:
      3. To adjust color or values using the Curves command:
      4. To convert a color layer to grayscale and selectively restore its color:
    4. Spot color channels
      1. To create a spot color channel:
      2. To paint on a spot color channel:
      3. Spot color channel basics
      4. Printing spot color channels
        1. To convert an alpha channel into a spot color channel:
  16. 12. Paint
    1. Brush tool
      1. To use the Brush tool:
      2. To temporarily change the diameter of a brush preset:
    2. Brushes palette
      1. To use the Brushes palette:
      2. To edit a brush preset:
      3. To choose variation options:
      4. To save brush presets in a new library:
      5. To load a brush library:
      6. To restore the default brushes:
    3. Customizing brushes
      1. To make a brush into a tool preset:
      2. To save the tool presets to a library:
      3. To create a new brush based on an existing brush:
      4. To create a brush from an image:
      5. To delete a brush:
    4. Other painting tools
      1. To smudge colors:
      2. To fill an area using the Paint Bucket:
      3. To erase part of a layer:
      4. To use the Background Eraser tool:
      5. To use the Magic Eraser tool:
      6. To auto erase:
      7. To apply tints to a grayscale image:
  17. 13. Gradients
    1. To apply a gradient as a fill layer:
    2. To apply a gradient using the Gradient tool:
    3. To create or edit a gradient preset:
    4. To save the current gradients to a file:
    5. To use alternate gradient libraries:
    6. To restore the default gradients:
    7. To change the opacity of gradient colors:
    8. To create a multicolor wash:
    9. To apply a gradient map to a layer:
  18. 14. More Layers
    1. Layer opacity
      1. To change a layer’s opacity or fill:
    2. Layer effects
      1. Applying layer effects
      2. To remove an individual layer effect:
      3. To apply the Drop Shadow or Inner Shadow effect:
      4. To transform a Drop Shadow effect:
      5. To create a drop shadow without using an effect:
      6. To apply an Outer or Inner Glow effect:
      7. To apply the Bevel or Emboss effect:
      8. To change the profile of a contour:
      9. To apply the Satin effect:
      10. To apply the Color Overlay effect:
      11. To apply the Gradient Overlay effect:
      12. To apply the Pattern Overlay effect:
      13. To apply a Stroke effect:
      14. Other effects commands
    3. Blending layers
      1. The layer blending modes
      2. To fine-tune the blending between two layers:
      3. To choose a knockout option for a layer:
      4. To blend a modified layer with the original layer:
    4. Layer masks
      1. To create a layer mask:
      2. To reshape a layer mask:
      3. To move layer pixels or a layer mask independently:
      4. To duplicate a layer mask:
      5. To choose layer mask display options:
      6. To fill type with imagery using a layer mask:
      7. To temporarily deactivate a layer mask:
      8. To apply or discard the effects of a layer mask:
    5. Clipping groups
      1. To create a clipping group of layers:
      2. To remove a layer from a clipping group:
      3. To ungroup an entire clipping group:
    6. Linking layers
      1. To link layers (and move them as a unit):
      2. To align two or more linked layers:
      3. To align the pixel edge of a layer with a selection:
      4. To distribute three or more linked layers:
  19. 15. Masks
    1. Alpha channels
      1. To save a selection to a channel using the current options settings:
      2. To save a selection to a channel and choose options:
      3. To display a channel selection:
      4. To load a channel selection onto an image using the current options:
      5. To load a channel selection onto an image and choose options:
      6. Save Selection Operations
      7. Load Selection Operations
      8. To choose channel options:
      9. To delete a channel:
      10. To duplicate a channel:
      11. To reshape an alpha channel mask:
    2. Quick Masks
      1. To reshape a selection using Quick Mask mode:
      2. To create a Quick Mask without using a selection:
      3. To choose Quick Mask options:
  20. 16. Paths/Shapes
    1. Creating paths
      1. To convert a selection into a path:
      2. To draw a path using the Pen tool:
      3. To draw a magnetic Freeform Pen path:
      4. The Freeform Pen Options pop-up palette
      5. To draw a path using the Freeform Pen:
    2. Working with paths
      1. To move a path:
      2. To add to an existing, open path:
      3. To transform an entire path:
      4. To transform points on a path:
      5. To copy a path in the same image:
      6. To drag-and-drop a path to another image:
      7. To save a work path:
      8. To display a path:
      9. To hide a path:
      10. To select anchor points on a path:
      11. To reshape a path:
      12. To delete a path:
      13. To deselect a path:
      14. To convert a path into a selection:
      15. To stroke a path:
      16. To fill a path:
      17. To export a path to Illustrator or FreeHand:
    3. Vector masks
      1. To create a vector mask:
      2. To combine paths:
      3. To reshape a vector mask:
      4. To reposition a vector mask:
      5. To duplicate a vector mask:
      6. To deactivate a vector mask:
      7. To reverse the visible and hidden areas in a vector mask:
      8. To discard a vector mask:
      9. To convert a layer mask into a vector mask:
      10. To create an adjustment layer that uses a vector mask:
      11. To create a vector mask from type:
    4. Shapes
      1. To create a shape layer:
      2. To create a work path using a shape tool:
      3. To create a geometric, rasterized pixel area:
      4. To choose geometric options for a shape tool:
      5. To reposition a shape layer’s vector mask:
      6. To transform a shape layer:
      7. To modify the contour of an existing shape layer:
      8. To deactivate a shape layer’s vector mask:
      9. To paste a path object from Illustrator into Photoshop as a shape layer:
      10. To use the pathfinder options to add or subtract shapes from each other:
      11. To add a shape to the custom shape picker:
      12. To change the fill contents of a shape layer:
      13. To rasterize a shape layer:
  21. 17. Type
    1. Creating type
      1. Different kinds of type
        1. To create an editable type layer:
    2. Editing text
      1. To select all or some characters on a type layer:
      2. To scale type by entering a value:
      3. To scale type by dragging:
      4. To adjust the spacing between (kern) two characters:
      5. To adjust the spacing for (track) a series of characters:
      6. To adjust leading in horizontal type:
      7. To shift selected characters above or below the normal baseline:
      8. To style type using the Character palette:
      9. To change type orientation:
    3. Paragraph settings
      1. To set paragraph alignment and justification (horizontal type):
      2. To adjust paragraph indents and spacing (horizontal type):
      3. To fine-tune paragraph settings:
    4. Special effects with type
      1. To transform a type bounding box and the type inside it:
      2. To transform a type bounding box, but not the type:
      3. To warp type on an editable layer:
      4. To move a type layer:
      5. To rasterize type into pixels:
      6. To screen back an image behind type:
      7. To screen back type:
      8. To fill type with imagery using Paste Into:
      9. To fill type with imagery using a clipping group of layers:
      10. To create fading type:
      11. To apply layer effects to semi-transparent type:
      12. To stroke a type layer:
      13. To create a type selection:
      14. To move a type selection:
      15. To create type in a spot channel:
      16. To edit type in a spot channel:
      17. To create a type mask for an adjustment layer:
    5. Word processing
      1. To find and replace text:
      2. To check spelling:
  22. 18. Filters
    1. Filter basics
      1. How filters are applied
      2. Using a filter dialog box
      3. Lessening a filter’s overall effect
      4. Restricting the area a filter affects
      5. Making filter effects look less artificial
      6. Maximizing a filter’s effect
      7. Texture mapping using a filter
    2. All the filters illustrated
      1. Artistic filters
      2. Blur filters
      3. Brush Strokes filters
      4. Distort filters
      5. Noise filters
      6. Noise filters
      7. Pixelate filters
      8. Render filters
      9. Sharpen filters
      10. Sketch filters
      11. Sketch filters
      12. Stylize filters
      13. Stylize filters
      14. Texture filters
    3. A few filter exercises
      1. To create a wrinkled edge:
      2. Take the easy way out:
      3. To apply a texture using a layer mask:
      4. Turn a photograph into a painting or a drawing:
      5. Our watercolor filter:
      6. To apply the Mosaic filter using graduated values:
      7. To motion blur part of an image:
      8. To cast a light on an image:
    4. Pattern Maker
      1. To generate a pattern:
      2. To navigate through tiles:
      3. To delete a tile:
      4. To save a tile as a preset pattern:
  23. 19. Liquify
    1. To distort an image using the Liquify command:
    2. To display the mesh using View Options controls:
    3. To remove all distortion from the preview image:
    4. To return all unfrozen areas to their initial state:
    5. To return individual unfrozen areas to their initial state:
    6. To extend distortions from frozen areas into unfrozen areas:
  24. 20. Automate
    1. Actions
      1. To create a new actions set:
      2. To record an action:
      3. To insert a stop in an action:
      4. To insert a menu item in an action:
      5. To insert a path in an action:
      6. To exclude or include a command from playback:
      7. To play back an action on an image:
      8. To replay an action on a batch of images:
      9. To choose batch naming options:
      10. To create a droplet from an action:
      11. To add commands to an action:
      12. To delete a command from an action:
      13. To activate/deactivate a modal control in an action:
      14. To change the order of commands:
      15. To rerecord an entire action using different dialog box settings:
      16. To rerecord a single command in an action:
      17. To duplicate an action:
      18. To delete an entire action:
      19. To save an actions set to a file:
      20. To load an additional actions set onto the Actions palette:
      21. To replace the current actions set with a different actions set:
      22. To run one action in another action:
    2. Other automate commands
      1. To perform a conditional image mode change:
      2. To create a contact sheet:
      3. To fit an image to width and/or height dimensions:
      4. To convert a multi-page PDF to Photoshop format:
      5. To create a picture package:
      6. To create a Web gallery:
  25. 21. Preferences
    1. To reset all the preferences to their default values:
    2. Memory & ImageCachePreferences
    3. General Preferences
    4. File Handling Preferences
    5. Display & Cursors Preferences
    6. Transparency & Gamut Preferences
    7. Units & Rulers Preferences
    8. Guides, Grid & Slices Preferences
    9. Plug-ins & Scratch Disks Preferences
    10. To use the Preset Manager:
    11. To reset or replace a preset:
    12. To save a subset of items in their own library:
    13. To save an item in a new preset library from a palette or picker:
  26. 22. Print
    1. Printing from Photoshop
      1. To choose a paper size and orientation:
      2. To print using the basic Print command:
      3. To print using the Print with Preview command:
      4. To print using color management:
      5. To apply trapping:
      6. To prepare a file for an IRIS or dye sublimation printer, or an imagesetter:
    2. Preparing files for other applications
      1. Photoshop to QuarkXPress
      2. Photoshop to InDesign
      3. Photoshop to After Effects
      4. Photoshop to Illustrator
      5. Photoshop to CorelDRAW10
      6. To save an image as an EPS:
      7. To save an image as a DCS 2.0:
      8. To save an image as a TIFF:
      9. To save an RGB image as a BMP or PICT:
    3. Producing duotones
      1. To produce a duotone:
      2. To print a grayscale image using a Pantone tint:
    4. Color reproduction basics
      1. To enter custom CMYK settings:
      2. To save a Color Setting preset incorporating your custom CMYK settings:
      3. To create a custom proof setup:
      4. To correct out-of-gamut colors:
      5. Color correction: a first glance
  27. 23. Web/ImageReady
    1. The basics
      1. Image size
      2. Compression
      3. GIF
      4. Color depth
      5. JPEG
      6. PNG-8 and PNG-24
      7. Dithering
      8. Anti-aliasing
      9. The ImageReady Toolbox
      10. To optimize an image in the GIF or PNG-8 format:
      11. To create a master palette for optimized images in ImageReady:
      12. To apply a master palette to an image:
      13. To use weighted optimization:
      14. To use the ImageReady previews:
      15. Jump To
      16. To quick-optimize:
      17. To create and apply a droplet:
      18. To optimize an image in the JPEG or PNG-24 format:
      19. To make flat-color areas Web-safe:
      20. To preview potential browser dither in an optimized image:
      21. Controlling dithering
      22. To preview Windows and Mac gamma values:
      23. To change the gamma for an optimized file:
      24. To preview an optimized image in a browser on your system:
      25. To save a file in ImageReady:
      26. To save an optimized file in ImageReady:
      27. To update an existing HTML file:
      28. To change a Web page title or embed copyright information:
      29. To enter type in ImageReady:
      30. Tips for creating online type
    2. Slicing
      1. To slice an image using a command:
      2. To slice an image manually:
      3. To create a layer-based slice:
      4. To convert an auto slice or a layer-based slice into a user slice:
      5. To delete slices:
      6. To resize user slices:
      7. To slice an image into multiple links:
      8. To change the stacking position of a slice:
      9. To align user slices along a common edge:
      10. To evenly distribute user slices along a common axis:
      11. To create a layer-based image map:
      12. To create a tool-based image map:
      13. To change an image map from layer based to tool based:
      14. To hide/show image maps:
      15. To select an image map:
      16. To delete an image map:
      17. To align tool-based image maps along a common edge:
      18. To evenly distribute tool-based image maps along a common axis:
      19. To optimize an individual slice:
      20. To copy optimization settings from one slice to another:
      21. To link slices:
      22. To unlink slices:
      23. To attach an Alt tag to a slice or to an entire image:
    3. Rollovers
      1. To create a rollover for a slice:
      2. To create a rollover using a layer effect:
      3. To create a layer-based rollover:
      4. To use the Match command to apply attributes from the current layer:
      5. To use the Unify buttons to apply changes from the active layer:
      6. To preview a rollover in ImageReady:
      7. To preview a rollover in a Web browser:
      8. To create a secondary rollover:
      9. To create a button for a Web page:
    4. GIF animations
      1. To move layer imagery across an image via animation:
      2. To make imagery fade in or out:
      3. To remove frames from an animation:
      4. To choose options for animation playback:
      5. To preview an animation:
      6. To create a rocking animation:
      7. To edit an animation:
      8. To make an existing animation reverse itself to the first frame:
      9. To apply a second animation effect to an existing animation:
      10. To make a rollover trigger an animation sequence:
      11. To create a warped type animation:
      12. To remove or adjust warped type:
      13. To save a GIF animation:
      14. To optimize an animation:
      15. Ways to slim an animation down
    5. Layer effects
      1. To apply layer effects in ImageReady:
      2. To remove a layer effect:
      3. Other layer features in ImageReady
      4. To apply a style to a layer:
      5. To preserve a layer effect as a style:
    6. Background tiling
      1. To create a tile for an HTML background:
      2. To preview an image as a tiled background:
      3. To attach an HTML tile file as a background for an image:
      4. To remove an HTML tile background or solid color from an image:
      5. To use Photoshop’s Save for Web dialog box:
  28. A. Shortcuts

Product information

  • Title: Photoshop 7 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide
  • Author(s): Elaine Weinmann, Peter Lourekas
  • Release date: August 2002
  • Publisher(s): Peachpit Press
  • ISBN: None