Chapter 5. Painting and Brushes
Over the years, quite a few applications have offered both PC and Mac users the ability to paint and draw — using their mouse, or in more recent years, a pen and tablet. Most of these applications have faded into obscurity, and for good reason. Frankly, there isn't that much painting going on, and the tools for manipulating the brush tools are either skimpy or hard to work with.
Of course, Photoshop's great painting tools and the plentiful options for completely customizing them have helped nail the coffins shut for many of these alleged painting programs. While Photoshop was originally designed to be (and remains) an image-editing program, it has always had painting tools, and it turned out that most people wanted to edit images rather than paint them from scratch. Of course, you can in fact paint or draw an image from scratch in Photoshop, but strangely, scores of the artistically challenged who would rate themselves unable to draw a stick figure with pencil and paper become quite adventurous with a computerized painting program. Professional photographers and graphic ...
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