Chapter 6. Exploring the Channels Palette


  • Opening the Channels palette

  • Working with alpha channels

  • Changing channel preferences

  • Performing channel operations

  • Specifying the channel options

  • Looking at other types of channels

When you look at a full-color photograph on a monitor, you see subtle variations of colors blending together to form what appears to be a continuous tone reality. Of course looking more closely at the image reveals that it actually contains pixels, and within each pixel is color information. Color channels store and display color information. Having access to this information enables you to perform powerful modifications and corrections to the appearance of your image.

Alpha channels are masks that store the selections you've made. Color and alpha channels reside in the Channels palette. This chapter takes a detailed look at this important Photoshop feature and demonstrates how to incorpo-rate the Channels palette into your workflow.

Opening the Channels Palette

To open the Channels palette, choose Window

Opening the Channels Palette


You can press F7 to display the Layers/Channels/Paths cluster and Working with alpha channels Changing channel preferences Performing channel operations Specifying the channel options Looking at other types of channels click the Channels tab.

The Default Channels palette of a full-color image.

Figure 6.1. The ...

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