Recipe 8.1. Using texture overlays
With Photoshop as our image-editing tool of choice, we're not limited to producing smooth-toned and flawless images. By using textures, we can apply convincing effects of weathered surfaces and peeling paint. It's really useful to build up a good collection of texture images to use in such projects, and there are always many opportunities to grab some texture shots with a digital camera. There are also many places on the Web where royalty-free texture shots are available.
In this project, we'll create a convincing weather-beaten inn sign with realistic surface textures.
1 Open the horse image. We need to make the current background layer editable, so double-click it in the Layers palette, and name the new layer "Horse" in the dialog box.
2 To create a base for the sign, add a new layer (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+N). Choose a deep brown shade from the Color palette. Now go to Edit > Fill and choose Foreground Color from the Contents box. In the Layers palette, drag the Horse layer above the Filled layer.
3 Open the Boards image and go to Select > All (Ctrl/Cmd+A). Choose Edit > Copy (Ctrl/Cmd+C). Close this image. Working on the main composition, go to Edit > Paste (Ctrl/Cmd+V) to paste a copy of the Boards image into the main composition. We need to stretch ...
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