Chapter 12. Hands-on Restoration Project: The Complete Workflow
Throughout this book I've attempted to present concepts in the order that they're encountered in a typical workflow. Sometimes that wasn't possible because of the way many concepts build on and affect one other: One concept must be explained in order to explain another one. Now it's time to put all those pieces together and see how ihey fit together into the context of a single restoration project — one that we will do together.
Every restoration project is like a jigsaw puzzle. Some are simple, and others seem impossible. Each is different in its own way. If I wanted to teach you how to assemble jigsaw puzzles, I wouldn't show you how to put together a puzzle and say, "Do this every time." Instead, I'd teach you about puzzle-solving strategies so that you'd be prepared for a variety of jigsaw puzzles. That's what I want to do here as we move through this project together. My goal is to take you through my thought process as I solve this restoration puzzle, so you walk away with an overall strategy rather than just a bunch of cool techniques.
The old photo we're going to restore in this chapter isn't a highly complicated project, which is good. It gives us more time to revisit a few key concepts and ...
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