We are now in version 19 (Photoshop Elements 2021) of Photoshop Elements. Adobe has offered yet more wonderful features and improvements to the program.
Before we delve into some of the new features added to Photoshop Elements 2021, we want to offer our readers an apology. For several past revisions of this book, we avoided some important correction features of the program and replaced them with some general information on photography. After looking over some of the reviews of our last book on Elements, we noticed a number of readers wanted more details related to adjusting brightness, contrast, and color. Therefore, we scrubbed the old Chapter 2 related to taking photos and replaced it with the completely new Chapter 7, in which we cover using the Camera Raw Editor. Again, our apologies for the oversight, and we hope this change appeals to those who wanted more related to editing photos.
About This Book
This book is an effort to provide as much of a comprehensive view of a wildly feature-rich program as we can. Additionally, this book is written for a cross-platform audience. If you’re a Mac user, you’ll find all you need to work in Elements 2021 for the Mac, exactly the same as when we refer to using Elements on Windows.
In Photoshop Elements 2021, you won’t find a huge number of new features. There are a few, but Adobe has again spent much time in this release on improvements and on additions to existing features. Adobe offers a few new Guided Edits as well as ...
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