File Menu

This menu is where you import photos, start new projects, manage catalogs, and export photos. It's also where you quit the Organizer when you're done.

Get Photos and Videos

Here's where you import photos into the Organizer. You can tell Elements to find and import photos and videos from:

  • A camera or card reader (or press Ctrl+G).

  • A scanner (or press Ctrl+U).

  • Files and folders (or press Ctrl+Shift+G).

  • A cellphone (or press Ctrl+Shift+M).

  • By Searching tells Elements to search your computer for photos. You can choose to search all your hard drives (if you have more than one attached to your PC), your C drive only, your My Documents folder, or you can browse to a particular folder or drive to search only its contents.


You can choose to create a new blank file that will appear in the Editor. (The Organizer itself doesn't create blank files.) Your other options here are:

  • Image from Clipboard. You can copy a photo in the Organizer (Ctrl+C) and then start a new Editor file by copying your photo from the Clipboard (the invisible file that stores what you copy until you paste it somewhere).

  • Photomerge Group Shot. This new Elements feature lets you move people from one group photo to another, similar photo (Arranging a Group Shot). You can use it to replace someone who's looking away from the camera or blinking, for example.

  • Photomerge Faces. Another new Elements feature, this one lets you combine parts of different faces, just for fun (Merging Different Faces).

  • Photomerge Panorama. Create ...

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