© Matt Zandstra 2021
M. ZandstraPHP 8 Objects, Patterns, and Practicehttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6791-2_2

2. PHP and Objects

Matt Zandstra1  
Brighton, UK

Objects were not always a key part of the PHP project. In fact, they were once described as an afterthought by PHP’s designers.

As afterthoughts go, this one has proved remarkably resilient. In this chapter, I introduce this book’s coverage of objects by summarizing the development of PHP’s object-oriented features.

We will look at the following:
  • PHP/FI 2.0: PHP, but not as we know it.

  • PHP 3: Objects make their first appearance.

  • PHP 4: Object-oriented programming grows up.

  • PHP 5: Objects at the heart of the language.

  • PHP 7: Closing the gap.

  • PHP 8: The consolidation continues.

The Accidental Success ...

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