Book description
The PHP Functions Essential Reference is a simple, clear and
authoritative function reference that clarifies and expands upon
PHP's existing documentation.
The authors have spent time evaluating all of the PHP functions and
have selected the essential functions to include in the printed
book. This includes around 900 of the 1500 functions. The remaining
functions will be covered in the same depth and treated in the same
way, but they will appear on the web site along with
the content of the entire book, which is provided under the
Table of contents
- Copyright
- About the Authors
- About the Technical Reviewers
- Acknowledgments
- Tell Us What You Think
- Introduction
- Apache-Specific Functions
- Arbitrary-Precision Mathematics (BC) Functions
Array-Related Functions
- Overview
- Array Specifics
- array
- array_count_values
- array_flip
- array_intersect
- array_keys
- array_merge
- array_merge_recursive
- array_multisort
- array_pad
- array_pop
- array_push
- array_rand
- array_reverse
- array_shift
- array_slice
- array_splice
- array_sum
- array_unique
- array_unshift
- array_values
- array_walk
- arsort
- asort
- compact
- count
- current
- each
- end
- extract
- in_array
- key
- krsort
- ksort
- list
- natcasesort
- natsort
- next
- pos
- prev
- range
- reset
- rsort
- shuffle
- sizeof
- sort
- uasort
- uksort
- usort
- Calendar Functions
- CCVS Functions
- Class and Object Functions
- COM Functions
- Connection-Handling Functions
- cURL Library Functions
- Date and Time Functions
- Directory Functions
- Error-Handling Functions
Filesystem Functions
- Overview
- Configuring the Filesystem Functions
- Installing Filesystem Support
- Additional Information
- chgrp
- chmod
- chown
- clearstatcache
- copy
- diskfreespace
- fclose
- feof
- fgetc
- fgetcsv
- fgets
- fgetss
- file
- fileatime
- filectime
- filegroup
- fileinode
- filemtime
- fileowner
- fileperms
- filesize
- filetype
- file_exists
- flock
- fopen
- fpassthru
- fputs
- fread
- fseek
- ftell
- fwrite
- getlastmod
- getmyinode
- is_dir
- is_executable
- is_file
- is_link
- is_readable
- is_writeable
- link
- linkinfo
- lstat
- mkdir
- pclose
- popen
- readfile
- readlink
- rename
- rewind
- rmdir
- set_file_buffer
- stat
- symlink
- tempnam
- touch
- umask
- uniqid
- unlink
- Function-Handling Functions
- HTTP-Related Functions
- Java Functions
LDAP Functions
- Overview
- ldap_8859_to_t61
- ldap_add
- ldap_bind
- ldap_close
- ldap_connect
- ldap_compare
- ldap_count_entries
- ldap_delete
- ldap_dn2ufn
- ldap_err2str
- ldap_errno
- ldap_error
- ldap_explode_dn
- ldap_first_attribute
- ldap_first_entry
- ldap_free_entry
- ldap_free_result
- ldap_get_attributes
- ldap_get_dn
- ldap_get_entries
- ldap_get_values
- ldap_get_values_len
- ldap_list
- ldap_modify
- ldap_mod_add
- ldap_mod_del
- ldap_mod_replace
- ldap_next_attribute
- ldap_next_entry
- ldap_read
- ldap_t61_to_8859
- ldap_search
- ldap_unbind
- Mail Functions
- Mathematical Functions
- mhash Functions
- Miscellaneous Functions
MySQL Functions
- Overview
- How the MySQL Functions Work
- Notes on the Examples
- Configuring MySQL
- Installing MySQL Support
- Additional Information
- mysql
- mysql_affected_rows
- mysql_change_user
- mysql_close
- mysql_connect
- mysql_create_db
- mysql_createdb
- mysql_data_seek
- mysql_db_name
- mysql_db_query
- mysql_dbname
- mysql_drop_db
- mysql_dropdb
- mysql_errno
- mysql_error
- mysql_escape_string
- mysql_fetch_array
- mysql_fetch_assoc
- mysql_fetch_field
- mysql_fetch_lengths
- mysql_fetch_object
- mysql_fetch_row
- mysql_field_flags
- mysql_field_len
- mysql_field_name
- mysql_field_seek
- mysql_field_table
- mysql_field_type
- mysql_fieldname
- mysql_fieldtable
- mysql_fieldlen
- mysql_fieldtype
- mysql_fieldflags
- mysql_free_result
- mysql_freeresult
- mysql_insert_id
- mysql_list_dbs
- mysql_list_fields
- mysql_list_tables
- mysql_listdbs
- mysql_listfields
- mysql_listtables
- mysql_num_fields
- mysql_num_rows
- mysql_numfields
- mysql_numrows
- mysql_pconnect
- mysql_query
- mysql_result
- mysql_select_db
- mysql_selectdb
- mysql_tablename
- Networking Functions
ODBC Functions
- odbc_autocommit
- odbc_binmode
- odbc_close
- odbc_close_all
- odbc_columnprivileges
- odbc_columns
- odbc_commit
- odbc_connect
- odbc_cursor
- odbc_do
- odbc_error
- odbc_errormsg
- odbc_exec
- odbc_execute
- odbc_fetch_array
- odbc_fetch_into
- odbc_fetch_object
- odbc_fetch_row
- odbc_field_len
- odbc_field_name
- odbc_field_num
- odbc_field_precision
- odbc_field_scale
- odbc_field_type
- odbc_foreignkeys
- odbc_free_result
- odbc_gettypeinfo
- odbc_longreadlen
- odbc_num_fields
- odbc_num_rows
- odbc_pconnect
- odbc_prepare
- odbc_primarykeys
- odbc_procedurecolumns
- odbc_procedures
- odbc_result
- odbc_result_all
- odbc_rollback
- odbc_setoption
- odbc_specialcolumns
- odbc_statistics
- odbc_tableprivileges
- odbc_tables
- Pack and Unpack Functions
PHP Options and Information Functions
- assert
- assert_options
- dl
- extension_loaded
- getenv
- get_cfg_var
- get_current_user
- get_extension_funcs
- get_included_files
- get_loaded_extensions
- get_magic_quotes_gpc
- get_magic_quotes_runtime
- get_required_files
- getlastmod
- getmyinode
- getmypid
- getmyuid
- getrusage
- ini_alter
- ini_get
- ini_restore
- ini_set
- parse_ini_file
- phpcredits
- phpinfo
- phpversion
- php_logo_guid
- php_sapi_name
- php_uname
- putenv
- set_magic_quotes_runtime
- set_time_limit
- zend_logo_guid
- zend_version
- Program Execution Functions
Pspell Functions
- pspell_add_to_personal
- pspell_add_to_session
- pspell_check
- pspell_clear_session
- pspell_config_create
- pspell_config_ignore
- pspell_config_mode
- pspell_config_personal
- pspell_config_repl
- pspell_config_runtogether
- pspell_config_save_repl
- pspell_new
- pspell_new_config
- pspell_new_personal
- pspell_save_wordlist
- pspell_store_replacement
- pspell_suggest
- Regular Expression Functions
- Semaphore and Shared Memory Functions
- Session-Management Functions
String Functions
- Overview
- Using the String Functions
- Configuring the String Functions
- Installing String Function Support
- addcslashes
- addslashes
- bin2hex
- chop
- chr
- chunk_split
- convert_cyr_string
- count_chars
- crc32
- crypt
- echo
- explode
- get_meta_tags
- hebrev
- hebrevc
- implode
- join
- levenshtein
- ltrim
- md5
- metaphone
- nl2br
- ord
- parse_str
- printf
- quoted_printable_decode
- quotemeta
- rtrim
- sscanf
- setlocale
- similar_text
- soundex
- sprintf
- strchr
- strcspn
- strip_tags
- stripcslashes
- stripslashes
- stristr
- strnatcmp
- strnatcasecmp
- str_pad
- strpos
- strrchr
- str_repeat
- strrev
- strrpos
- strspn
- strstr
- strtok
- strtolower
- strtoupper
- str_replace
- strtr
- substr
- substr_count
- substr_replace
- trim
- ucfirst
- ucwords
- wordwrap
- Syslog Functions
- Tick Functions
- URL Functions
Variable-Related Functions
- Overview
- Configuring Variable-Related Functions
- Installing Variable-Related Functions Support
- Additional Information
- doubleval
- empty
- get_defined_vars
- get_resource_type
- gettype
- intval
- is_array
- is_bool
- is_double
- is_float
- is_int
- is_integer
- is_long
- is_null
- is_numeric
- is_object
- is_real
- is_resource
- is_scalar
- is_string
- isset
- print_r
- serialize
- settype
- strval
- unserialize
- unset
- var_dump
- WDDX Functions
XML Functions
- Overview
- xml_error_string
- xml_get_current_byte_index
- xml_get_current_column_number
- xml_get_current_line_number
- xml_get_error_code
- xml_parse
- xml_parser_create
- xml_parser_free
- xml_parser_get_option
- xml_parser_set_option
- xml_parse_into_struct
- xml_set_character_data_handler
- xml_set_default_handler
- xml_set_element_handler
- xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler
- xml_set_notation_decl_handler
- xml_set_processing_instruction_handler
- xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler
- xml_set_object
Product information
- Title: PHP Functions Essential Reference
- Author(s):
- Release date: September 2001
- Publisher(s): Sams
- ISBN: 073570970X
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