SAH. See surface area heuristic
sample placement, 682686
quasi Monte Carlo, 685
stratified sampling, 682685
warping samples and distortion, 685686
sample points
generating, 888
illustrated, 889
octree, 896901
radiance probe computation, 962
radiance values computation, 897
raster space, 309
sampled spectrum
arithmetic operations, 266
XYZ matching functions computation, 271272
adaptive, 385389
best-candidate, 378385
current pixel coordinates, 349
Halton, 363366
implementations, 323, 338, 340
low-discrepancy, 372378
main rendering loop interaction, 385386
ray generation report, 341
stratified, 346
(0,2)-sequence, 370
accessing, 344
bootstrapping, 853
difference comparison, 389
discrete pixel, 353
distribution, 25

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