
accuracy, 10–11


sentence-level, 22–24

word-level, 24–27

adjourning stage, 92–93

aids, presentation, 58–64

slides and handouts, 63–64

visual, 60–62

analytical report. See examination report

audience analysis, 47–48

types, 47–48

audience identification, 40–41, 103

BackBlaze (, 63

Badaracco, Joseph, 32

best-friend test, 33

business reports


by communication medium, 8–9

by frequency, 7

by functions, 7

by level of formality, 7–8

by subject areas, 7

reader-writer, 8

decision making, 4–5

ethicality of writing, 29–33

functions of, 2–5

objectivity of, 4

organized, 2–3

planning written report, 37–46

Business Source Premier/EBSCO, 108

business writing genre, 1

cause–effect structure, 68–69


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