List of Abbreviations

ALARPAs low as reasonably practicable
BPCSBasic plant control system
C&IControl and instrumentation (engineering)
CCFCommon cause failure
CCPSThe Center for Chemical Process Safety
DC (in SIS)Diagnostic coverage (in SIS)
DCSDistributed control system
DEPDesign and engineering practice
DNVDet Norske Veritas (Norway)
E&IElectrical and instrumentation
E/E/PEElectrical/electronics/programmable electronics
ESDEmergency shutdown system
ESFASEngineering safety feature actuation systems
ETAEvent tree analysis
EUCEquipment under control
FGSFire and gas system
FLNGFloating liquefied natural gas
FMEDAFailure modes, effects and diagnostic analysis
FSAFunctional safety assessment/assessor
FTAFault tree analysis
HALTHighly accelerated life test
HASAHighly ...

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