
Maybe you’ve been casually surfing the Interwebz (yes, that is a thing!) or perusing your newspaper when the word podcasting has popped up. Steadily, like a building wave that would make champion surfers salivate with delight, the term has popped up again and again — and your curiosity continues to pique as the word podcasting echoes in your ears and remains in the back of your mind as a riddle wrapped in an enigma, smothered in secret sauce.

Well, ponder no more. Podcasting For Dummies, 4th Edition provides the answer to the question — What is podcasting? This book takes you through the always-evolving technological movement encompassing the Internet, digital communications, education, and entertainment. By the time you reach the end of this book, the basics will be in place to get you, your voice, and your message heard around the world — and you can even have a bit of fun along the way.

About This Book

Back in 2005 …

  • “So what are you up to, Tee?”
  • “I’m currently making a podcast of my first novel, a swashbuckling tale that carries our heroes …”
  • “Uh … what is a podcast?”

Just the word podcasting carries an air of geekiness about it — and behold, the habitual technophobes suddenly clasp their hands to their ears and run away screaming in horror lest they confront yet another nerdy technology that has gone mainstream. Too bad. It has been a long road for podcasting, and it has taken a decade-and-a-half for the platform to go from something nerds are doing in ...

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