Chen, G., 67
Clifton, D., 41, 46, 59
climate, positive, 17–33
compassion in, 23–27, 97
enabling a, 22–32
example of, 21–22
forgiveness in, 23, 26–29, 97
gratitude in, 23, 30–32, 31f, 98
leaders and, 18, 20–23, 32–33,
PMIs and, 87–88
coaching and training, 45, 87
Cohen, S., 39, 73
collective noticing, feeling, and
responding, 24–27
Collins, J., 9
nuclear weapons site clean up
in, 4–5, 76–77
communication, positive, 51–65
acceptable alternatives in, 63
best-self feedback and, 57–60,
compassion and, 25–26
descriptive, 61–64
enabling, 56–64
evaluation and, 61
feelings and consequences in,
leaders and, 56–57, 59–60, 65,
PMIs and, 87–88
problem-solving in, 62–64
supportive, 57, 59–64, 100
team performance and, 51–54
community, 73, 77–79, 101
compassion, 23–27, 97
competence, 59
compliance, 69
Conger, J. A., 3
congruence, 63
conjunctive statements, 64
connectivity, 52, 53t, 53–54,
contributions to others, 41–42,
72–74, 77–78, 100–101
Cook, J., 70
Cooperrider. D. L., 1
coordinated exchange, 56
Covey, S. R., 75
Crocker, J., 73, 78
Cross, R., 40, 42–44
Csikszentmihalyi, M., 7
deficiencies, focus on, 58–60
Denison, D. R., 17
Dent, N., 3
descriptive communication,
organizations and, 96
See also negative deviance;
positive deviance
Diener, E., 18
Dirks, K. T., 40
Donatone, B. A., 39
downsizing, 12–13, 13f, 27–29
Doyle, W. J., 39
Drazin, R., 22
Dutton, J. E., 1, 24–26, 71–72
communication and, 55–56,
57, 60–61
relationships and, 35–36,
37–42, 44
Eisenberger, E. M., 19, 33
Elofsson, S., 38
Emmons, R. A., 30–32
emotions, 17–19, 40–41, 55, 62
See also climate, positive
energizers, 42–46
Epel, E., 36
Esterling, B. A., 39
122 Index

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