How to do it...

The first step in this case may be to prepare the data. If we had a monolithic contour table called cuy_contours_2, we could choose to clip the data to a series of rectangles that will serve as our table partitions; in this case, chp02.contour_clip, using the following query:

CREATE TABLE chp02.contour_2_cm_only AS 
  SELECT contour.elevation, contour.gid, contour.div_10, contour.div_20, contour.div_50, 
  contour.div_100,, ST_Intersection(contour.the_geom, cc.the_geom) AS the_geom FROM 
    chp02.cuy_contours_2 AS contour, chp02.contour_clip as cc 
    WHERE ST_Within(contour.the_geom,cc.the_geom 

We are performing two tests here in our query. We are using ST_Within, which tests whether ...

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