PostGIS includes the raster_columns view to provide a high-level summary of all the raster columns found in the database. This view is similar to the geometry_columns and geography_columns views in function and form.
Let's run the following SQL query in the raster_columns view to see what information is available in the prism table:
SELECT r_table_name, r_raster_column, srid, scale_x, scale_y, blocksize_x, blocksize_y, same_alignment, regular_blocking, num_bands, pixel_types, nodata_values, out_db, ST_AsText(extent) AS extent FROM raster_columns WHERE r_table_name = 'prism';
The SQL query returns a record similar to the following:
(1 row)
If you look back at the gdalinfo output for one of the PRISM rasters, you'll see that ...