The steps you need to follow to complete this recipe are as follows:
- Import all the maximum average temperature rasters in a single PostGIS raster table using raster2pgsql and then psql (eventually, pipe the two commands if you are in Linux):
$ raster2pgsql -d -I -C -M -F -t 100x100 -s 4326 worldclim/tmax*.bil chp01.tmax_2012 > tmax_2012.sql $ psql -d postgis_cookbook -U me -f tmax_2012.sql
- Check how the table was created in PostGIS, querying the raster_columns table. Here we are querying only some significant fields:
postgis_cookbook=# SELECT r_raster_column, srid, ROUND(scale_x::numeric, 2) AS scale_x, ROUND(scale_y::numeric, 2) AS scale_y, blocksize_x, blocksize_y, num_bands, pixel_types, nodata_values, out_db ...