Power BI Masterclass 2023

Video description

Welcome to the Power BI masterclass! This masterclass course is designed to equip you with the expertise needed to leverage Power BI effectively. Throughout this course, we will guide you through a multifaceted journey, unraveling the intricacies of Power BI step by step.

Starting with the fundamentals, we will explore the Power BI interface and its various features. We will learn how to create visually engaging reports and gain insights into advanced dataset management. We will also delve into DAX calculations, time intelligence, and data modelling to elevate our analytical capabilities.

The course comprises three sections, each building upon the last. In the first section, we will discover how to enable interactive features, navigate the interface, create dynamic reports, and employ data manipulation techniques. Advanced dataset management and DAX calculations await us in the second section, enabling us to tackle complex data challenges.

In the third section, we will dive into the heart of Power BI, mastering the art of creating a robust data model. Learn how to transform and structure data efficiently, connect dimension tables, and add critical elements such as a dates table.

By the end of this course, we will be proficient in harnessing Power BI’s capabilities to turn raw data into actionable insights.

What You Will Learn

  • Build visually engaging and dynamic reports
  • Explore complex data transformations and manipulations
  • Understand DAX calculations and time-based analysis
  • Create robust data models for effective insights
  • Explore buttons, bookmarks, and drill-through functionalities
  • Clean, transform, and enrich data efficiently


This course caters to aspiring data analysts, business professionals, and anyone eager to harness the potential of Power BI for data-driven decision-making. No prior experience with Power BI is necessary; we start from the fundamentals. Basic familiarity with data concepts and Microsoft Office tools is beneficial but not mandatory. As we progress, you will gain comprehensive skills in data modelling, DAX calculations, and report creation.

About The Author

Dan We: Daniel Weikert is a 33-year-old entrepreneur, data enthusiast, consultant, and trainer. He is a master’s degree holder certified in Power BI, Tableau, Alteryx (Core and Advanced), and KNIME (L1–L3).

He is currently working in the business intelligence field and helps companies and individuals obtain vital insights from their data to deliver long-term strategic growth and outpace their competitors.

He possesses a fervent dedication to both learning and teaching. His unwavering commitment extends to providing educational services and assisting individuals in achieving their objectives, mastering their fields, and embarking on new career journeys.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Power BI Essentials and Advanced Techniques
    1. Enable the new On Object Interaction Feature in Power BI
    2. A Complete Guided Tour Through the Power BI Interface
    3. Let's Create Our First Power BI Report
    4. Finishing Our First Report
    5. On Object Feature Update
    6. Exploring the Advanced Dataset
    7. Introduction to Data Preparation of the Advanced Model with Power Query Editor
    8. The Importance of a Proper Dates Table and How to Create It
    9. Power Query Editor Deep Dive: What Can We Do with Our Data
    10. Data Enrichment with Web Data Extraction
    11. Data Modelling, The Most Important Thing in Power BI
    12. Creating Our First Calculated Columns and Measures in Power BI
    13. The Measures Table Trick
    14. Creating Our First DAX Measures in Power BI Desktop
    15. Flexibility of DAX Measures: What Makes Them Great
    16. Dates and Drilldown Functionality in Power BI
    17. How to Create Your Own Date Hierarchy in Power BI
    18. Let's Get Started with Time Intelligence DAX Calculations in Power BI
    19. Time Intelligence in a More Flexible Way in Power BI
    20. Calculating Cumulative or Running Total Sales in Power BI
    21. Measure Cleanup and Easy Formatting Trick
    22. Let's Create Our Power Report Like Magic
    23. Advance Training Part 2: Setting Up the Data Model
    24. Practice Building DAX Measures and Bulk Formatting Trick
    25. DAX Time Intelligence More DAX Formulas and Use Cases
    26. Calculating Sales Rankings in Power BI DAX
    27. Dynamic Ranking Using Parameters in Power BI
    28. Fixing Time Intelligence Problems: A Very Important Lesson to Understand
    29. Scenario Analysis in Power BI Desktop
    30. Calculating Rolling 30-Day Sales Periods in Power BI
    31. Introduction to Table Functions in Power BI Desktop
    32. Identifying and Visualizing Our Top 10 Clients Using DAX in Power BI
    33. Customer Insights Per Weekday Per Category and a Few Tricks
    34. DAX or No DAX—That Is the Question
    35. Introduction to Quick Measures and the AI Copilot
    36. Advance Customer Classification with Power BI DAX
    37. Introduction to Variables and Weekday Sales in Power BI
    38. Tips and Tricks for Power BI Design and Report Creation
    39. Addon Introduction to Buttons Use Cases and Configurations in Power BI
  2. Chapter 2 : Powering Up Your Power BI Skills
    1. Brief Course Introduction
    2. Importing Project Data Cleaning and Model Setup
    3. Warming Up: Create DAX Base Measures Together
    4. Time Intelligence Measures for Our Reports
    5. Time Intelligence in Power BI with PREVIOUS Functions and Use Cases
    6. Time Intelligence with Static and Dynamic Windows in DAX
    7. Time Intelligence First Last Day and Days Between
    8. Time Intelligence Moving Averages with Power BI
    9. ALL and ALLSELECTED: A Common Power BI Interview Question
    10. Top Three Employee Sales Contribution with DAX and Virtual Tables
    11. Advanced DAX Customer Insights
    12. Introduction to Bookmarks in Power BI Desktop
    13. Bookmarks Buttons and Formatting Tips
    14. Bookmarks for Resetting All Slicers in Power BI
    15. The Drillthrough in Power BI Great Report Enhancement
    16. Page Navigation Ideas in Power BI
    17. Popups for Additional Information in Our Reports
  3. Chapter 3 : Data Modelling Essentials
    1. How to Create a Proper Data Model the Facts Table
    2. How to Create a Proper Data Model Our First Dimension Table
    3. How to Create a Proper Data Model More Dimension Tables
    4. How to Create a Proper Data Model Data Enrichment from the Web
    5. How to Create a Proper Data Model Finalizing the Model for Reporting

Product information

  • Title: Power BI Masterclass 2023
  • Author(s): Dan We
  • Release date: September 2023
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781835462980