10.5. MOS-Controlled Thyristor (MCT)

The MOS controlled thyristor (MCT) is another type of thyristor that combines the high power operation of a thyristor and the high switching frequency of a MOSFET. The MCT, when is compared to thyristor and GTO devices, has the following advantages:
1) Low forward voltage drop during conduction
2) Fast turn-on and turn-off times
3) Low switching losses
4) Low reverse voltage blocking capability
5) High gate input impedance
6) High di/dt and dv/dt capability
Based on the polarity of the device, the MCTs can be classified into two categories: n-type MCTs and p-type MCTs. The n-MCT has a p-type turn-off MOSFET and a lower npn transistor, while both the turn-off MOSFET and the lower transistor of the p-MCT are n-type. ...

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