Chapter six

Getting on with other people

What you’ll learn in this chapter: This will help you to be more confident in any work situation, especially:
  1. The benefits of listening to other people ‘actively’.
  2. Fast and effective ways to build rapport with others.
  3. Ways to get on well with the others in your team.
  4. What you can do to make managing and being managed a better experience.
  1. Team meetings/the ‘morning huddle’/training sessions/other meetings.
  2. Networking of all kinds.
  3. Managing and being managed.
  4. Work-related social events.
  5. Work-related team-building events.
  6. When small talk is needed.
  7. Communication at all levels, including by letter, e-mail and telephone, up to Board level.

Not that long ago, it would have been relatively easy ...

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