© Chet Hosmer 2019
Chet HosmerPowerShell and Python Togetherhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4504-0_7

7. Loose Ends and Future Considerations

Chet Hosmer1 
Longs, SC, USA

Having developed two solid approaches for the integration of PowerShell and Python (i.e., Python subprocessing and PowerShell pipelining), there are a couple of loose ends and future considerations that need to be addressed.

Loose Ends

The first involves using the PowerShell Invoke-Command CmdLet without needing to respond to a login pop-up each time, as shown in Figure 7-1.
Figure 7-1

Windows PowerShell credential request

This can be accomplished by creating a new credential object ...

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