

  1. AAD authentication

    1. adding OWIN Startup class

    2. AppClaims class

    3. AuthCodeReceived method

    4. AuthFailed method

    5. authority

    6. configuration method

    7. CustomerController

    8. customer enrollment page

    9. DashDocs application

    10. DashDocsControllerBase

    11. Enroll Action

    12. event handlers

    13. HomeController

    14. home page

    15. _Layout.cshtml

    16. login page

    17. LogoutController

    18. OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications

    19. OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions

    20. Package Manager console

    21. project structure

    22. setting project URL

    23. Startup class

  2. AES 256 encryption

  3. Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

  4. Auditing and threat detection

  5. Azure

    1. account and subscriptions

    2. account administrator

    3. blades

    4. Blobstorage

SeeBlob storage, Azure
  1. compliances

  2. deployment models

  3. DocumentDB

SeeDocument DB, Azure
  1. portal dashboard

  2. regions

  3. resource manager and resource groups

  4. storage ...

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