© Brian L. Gorman 2020
B. L. GormanPractical Entity Frameworkhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6044-9_3

3. Entity Framework: Code First

Brian L. Gorman1 
Jesup, IA, USA

In this chapter, we are going to look at what it takes to get up and running with Entity Framework using the code-first approach. As we move through this chapter, we’ll learn about the code-first approach to Entity Framework, and we’ll take note of some of the advantages that working with a code-first approach brings to our development process. We’ll conclude this chapter by working through some activities to create a couple of code-first Entity Framework projects in EFCore and EF6.

Code first doesn’t always mean code first

Even though the name code first implies that the database ...

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