© Bhushan Lakhe 2016

Bhushan Lakhe, Practical Hadoop Migration, 10.1007/978-1-4842-1287-5_9

9. Lambda Architecture for Real-time Hadoop Applications

Bhushan Lakhe

(1)Darien, Illinois, USA

Some time back, I was at IBM Global Services interviewing candidates for a DBA position. I asked candidates about the paramount task they would perform as a DBA at a client site. I expected production backups as an answer, and only one out of six candidates answered correctly. A simple task and yet overlooked by most. Curiously, absence of a well-defined process for backing up data is what ultimately led Nathan Marz to one of the most talked about architectures for Big Data. By his own admission (in his book Big Data: Principles and Best Practices of Scalable Realtime ...

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