Chapter 4
The Image Processing Toolbox at a glance
What Will We Learn?
- How do I read an image from a file using MATLAB?
- What are the main data classes used for image representation and how can I convert from one to another?
- Why is it important to understand the data class and range of pixel values of images stored in memory?
- How do I display an image using MATLAB?
- How can I explore the pixel contents of an image?
- How do I save an image to a file using MATLAB?
4.1 The Image Processing Toolbox: an overview
The Image Processing Toolbox (IPT) is a collection of functions that extend the basic capability of the MATLAB environment to enable specialized signal and image processing operations, such as the following:
- Spatial transformations (Chapter 7)
- Image analysis and enhancement (Chapters 08–12, 14–15, and 18)
- Neighborhood and block operations (Chapter 10)
- Linear filtering and filter design (Chapters 10 and 11)
- Mathematical transforms (Chapters 11 and 17)
- Deblurring (Chapter 12)
- Morphological operations (Chapter 13)
- Color image processing (Chapter 16)
Most of the toolbox functions are MATLAB M-files, whose source code can be inspected by opening the file using the MATLAB editor or simply typing type function_name at the prompt. The directory in which the M-file has been saved can be found by typing which function_name at the prompt. To determine which version of the IPT is installed on your system, type ver at the prompt.
You can extend the capabilities of the IPT by writing your ...