Updating Raspberry Pi

Now that we know what needs to be done, we will get started with the code.

Before we proceed, create a folder named chapter7 and make a copy of the chapter6 code in the chapter7 folder.

Next, open the pi/index.js file. We will update the ADXL345 initialization setup and then start working with the values. Update pi/index.js, as follows:

var config = require('./config.js'); var mqtt = require('mqtt'); var GetMac = require('getmac'); var request = require('request'); var ADXL345 = require('adxl345-sensor'); require('events').EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = 100; var adxl345 = new ADXL345(); // defaults to i2cBusNo 1, i2cAddress 0x53 var Lcd = require('lcd'), lcd = new Lcd({ rs: 12, e: 21, data: [5, 6, 17, 18], cols: ...

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