© Sulaymon L. Eshkabilov 2020
S. L. EshkabilovPractical MATLAB Modeling with Simulinkhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5799-9_11

11. Trajectory Problems

Sulaymon L. Eshkabilov1 
Ag & Biosystems Engineering Department, North Dakota State University, Fargo, USA

This chapter contains two examples: falling and thrown objects modeled via differential equations and falling and thrown objects implemented via simulation models in m-files and Simulink models.

Falling Object

Let’s look at a simple physics exercise of a falling object . Consider a ball of mass m falling under the influence of Earth’s gravity (g), as shown in Figure 11-1. Let h be the height that the ball falls, and let v(t) be the velocity of the ball. The coordinate system will be positive ...

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