© Daniel Curtis 2019
Daniel CurtisPractical Oracle JEThttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4346-6_7

7. Viewing Tickets

Daniel Curtis1 
Birmingham, UK

Time to get to the main act of the development. We will begin to create the ticket viewing and switching functionality, using a variety of components. By the end of this chapter, you will have an application that is essentially in read-only mode—perfect for showing your friends or coworkers this cool new JET application that you have put together but not for letting them click any of the buttons, because they won’t work yet.

For this chapter, the following elements and classes will be used:
  • ojModule

  • ojConveyorBelt

  • ojListView

  • ojButton

  • ojAvatar

  • ojGauge

  • ojTabs

  • ojContext

  • ojArrayDataProvider

As well ...

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